Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In the midst of the fire!

Many feel it is just a cliché to say “pray about everything and worry about nothing,” but I beg to differ. In order to maintain a good relationship with anyone, communication is key! You can’t be married to or in a committed relationship with a person and never talk to them; can you? Well in order maintain a good relationship with the Lord, it is important to communicate with Him. Prayer is a very vital form of communication when it comes to our Christian walk.
The Bible gives us several examples of great prayer warriors that deserve to be mimicked.  Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego were three young men who are known for standing up to King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. Their bravery to disobey such a powerful king is notable. They knew by that they were risking their lives to honor their God by not bowing to the king’s idols. They knew that they would be thrown in the midst of a burning fiery furnace that had been turned up seven times its normal temperature just for them.
Everyone around them was succumbing to the will of the king and rejecting their own convictions. Yet they still not only chose to stand up for what they believed in and trust God, they chose to pray in the midst of the fire.  How many times have we been challenged in our faith yet choose to bow in surrender or defeat instead of in prayer? How many times have you seen others submitting to evil all around and been tempted to follow the crowd?
Many including the king thought the fate of the three friends was sealed when they were sentenced to the furnace. But because of their faith and determination to keep their prayer life and worship pure, they went into the furnace bound but were set free in the midst of the fire.  What I like about this is, God didn’t wait until their trial was over to deliver them! We should follow the example of the three Hebrew boys and bow to the Almighty God who can change any circumstance and deliver us in the midst of the fire! It may be cliché but trust me; prayer changes things! Think about it!

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