Thursday, February 19, 2015

Matthew 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” I recently watched the movie Addicted by Zane and read the book Dopefiend by Donald Goines. Both the movie and the book, depict characters with extreme addictions, one to sex and the other drugs. In the movie, a wife and loving mother of two is so addicted to sex that she cannot control her urges and she ends up in a relationship with her husband and two other men. In the book several characters are so strung out on heroin to the point to where they begin harming themselves and others. These are super extreme cases of addictions but they are all too real. There are many things one can become addicted to. From something as simple a FACEBOOK to harmful things like cigarettes or alcohol; I believe people often take this for granted. Wikipedia defines addiction as a state characterize by compulsive (habitual) engagement (activities) in a rewarding simuli (feeling) despite adverse (dangerous) consequences (results). To be addicted to something means you are convinced you have to have that thing or person even if it or they mean to harm you. Imagine someone being so addicted to something that they would give their life for it. Now imagine each and every Christian being so addicted to spreading the love of Christ that they soon turn their addiction into a spreading epidemic! If we were as addicted to praying about problems as we often are to complaining about them, the world would be brighter and things would be much better in our lives. If we were as addicted to showing love as we often are at searching for criticism there would be much less hate in the world! If you are going to be addicted to anything, like the old song says, “I recommend Jesus!” Please don’t think I’m, “preaching to the choir.” I could stand to step up my daily of doses Jesus, I won’t lie. But consider this, if we spent one half the time we spend on pointless activities that benefit no one, on Jesus how much better our lives and the lives of those around us would be. Think about it!