Monday, December 17, 2012

"Don't do it yourself!"

There are countless numbers of DIY networks, blogs, and magazines circulating today. When it comes to just about anything, a Google search can teach you how to “do it yourself.”
From mixing a weight-loss smoothie to restoring a classic car, you can pretty much figure out how to save money and just “do it yourself” by using Google and other internet search engines. I have to admit, if I can avoid spending money unnecessarily, I will. If I can figure out how to do something myself or Google it, I usually do - especially if I can avoid driving all over town only to arrive at the store and either not find what I need or have to wait forever. Remember we are a “microwave society” so to speak, and I don’t think I’m the only one guilty of being impatient. Often times we choose to do things ourselves simply because we don’t want to wait for someone else to do it, even if waiting means we get it done better than we can “do it ourselves.”
However, there are some things we should not venture into doing ourselves. For example, I wouldn’t recommend trying to do surgery on oneself; that’s what doctors are for. Some things need to be left to the professionals.
In the same respect, some situations in our lives can only be handled and corrected by the ultimate problem-solving professional…Jesus Christ. No matter how knowledgeable we may be or how many degrees we may obtain, there are just some things that only God can handle. Psalms 121:1 says, “I will lift my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Don’t you think someone who was intelligent enough to create heaven and earth is well equipped to handle your situations? Need more proof? Matthew 6:30 says, “Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, o you of little faith?” Just like we have faith in Google to have the answer to our most searing questions, we must trust God a thousand times more. After all He created us and no one knows us better than He does.
So the next time you are looking to solve your own problem, stop before “doing it yourself” makes it worse.
Don’t do it yourself; trust in The Expert.
Think about it.

"Do you see what I see?"

Said the night wind to the little lamb, “Do you see what I see?” Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, “Do you hear what I hear?”

Today that is my question to anyone reading this post. Do you see what I see; and do you hear what I hear? I see Christmas trees decorated with lights and tinsel; I see children fogging up department store windows longing for the toys inside to be their own. I hear moms and dads planning surprises and special dinners for their families. This Christmas let us take time to stop, look, and listen.  What do you hear? What do you see? Are you surrounding yourself in the true spirit of Christmas?

The holiday season is packed with family plans, pictures, outings, vacations, shopping and other activities. Somewhere between putting up trees and wrapping presents, I wonder if the world is really stopping to realize the true meaning of Christmas. The miraculous birth of Jesus took place for the benefit of all mankind. The news of His birth should be spread like a computer virus posted on statuses and featured on TMZ! We must not allow the hustle and bustle of the holiday season to cause us to forget the true meaning of Christmas.  Matthew 1:21 says, “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”

We should acknowledge our Savior’s arrival and purpose every day not just during the holidays. I believe the best way to show that acknowledgement is by living a Christian life so that not only Christ but also others can see that we do in fact know why He came.

We are unsure of so many things and so many things in the world today are unpredictable. However, there is one thing that will forever remain and that is God’s word. Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”
Gifts and dinners are wonderful. Every family should take time out on Christmas and every day to love each other and share special time. But let us not omit sharing the story of our savior and living according to His divine plan for us.
Think about it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jesus' Christmas List!

Tis the season of giving! However, in our “microwave” society sometimes it seems we just don’t have or don’t take the time to give. People often seem too caught up in “getting.” Some are trying so hard to get money or fame that they rarely take the time out to give. Also this time of year some are so are worried about getting the perfect gift for everyone that they become stressed and that dulls the joy of giving meant to be felt during the holidays. But as we wrap and ship gifts to distant relatives, or purchase the special toys our little ones have pointed out, is there something that we are forgetting to give?
Matthew 19:16-22 tells the story of a rich young ruler who desired eternal life; this is a gift not just anyone can give. He approached Jesus and asked, “What good thing must I do that I may have eternal life.” Jesus answered by giving him a list of commandments to follow. To which the young man replied in (so many words) “Been there done that.” So Jesus challenged him, by saying “If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.”
At that point the conversation was over. The young ruler didn’t even respond verbally. We all know that actions speak louder than words. I’m sure there were many thoughts that crossed that young rulers mind as he walked away one being, “Is this dude crazy?” The scripture says he simply turned and walked away from Jesus in sorrow for he had great possessions. Doesn’t this still happen today? Wealthy people and people in general are often sorrowful despite what they have, especially (in my opinion) when they don’t have Jesus. The old saying is true “Money cannot buy happiness,” no matter what time of the year it is.
Luke 10:27 says “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.” If you have ever been in love before, you know it takes energy to love someone fully. And if you do love them fully, you also know that in order for them to know that you love them, you give them time, gifts, and words of expression among other things.
But this year, I implore you to forget about waiting to make a New Year’s resolution. Jesus was born and died to afford us a gift that no amount of money will ever be able to buy, eternal life. So why not give to a God who has done so much for you, already even though you have never even met, face to face. Why not give Him your heart, mind, soul and strength as well as your time, talents, prayers and faith? After all when you give to God it’s a guarantee that you will “get” much more in return. Don’t be like the rich young ruler; step up to the plate and be a true giver. Be like the wise men who followed a star into the unknown seeking a savoir and when they found Him they not only laid gifts but their hearts at his feet.
Give…! That’s all He has on his list!
Think about it!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mirror Image!

One of the first things people want to know when they hear a birth announcement is, “Who does the baby look like?” Parents often quarrel about whose eyes, nose, or smile the baby has.  Relatives and friends debate over their opinion on which parent the baby like the most.
When my youngest daughter was born everyone declared that they saw only her father and none of me in her. I begged to differ and searched for a picture of myself as a baby. Once I found one I was able to prove that in fact my baby girl looks a lot like me.
Recently a friend of mine posted a picture of himself as a child alongside a picture of his son at the same age.  (picture shown) It is almost shocking to me how much the little boy looks like his father at the same age. I found myself looking for differences in the pictures and having a hard time finding them.  They appear to practically be a mirror image of each other.
Looking at the pictures made me think about Genesis 1:26a.-27 which say, “Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” “So God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Would you look at yourself in the mirror and see something on your face like crumbs and just leave them there all day for everyone else to see? Or would you look into your child’s face and see a scratch or something on their face that didn’t need to be there and just leave it? Of course not!
Then when God looks at us He fully expects to see His image. What does this mean? Do you think God’s image is that of a murderer, liar or hater? Do you think God’s image is the same as one who hold grudges, curses others or sows discord among their peers? Again I say, of course not!
Just as we parents are proud to say of our children; “he looks just like me,” or “she got that from me,” God desires to see Himself in His children.
So the next time you look at yourself in your “spiritual mirror,” make sure you see the image of your heavenly Father looking a back at you!

Think about it!

A baby...changes everything!

It is no secret that a little bundle of joy brings a host of emotions in the lives of not only their parents but their entire family. From the moment the news of a new arrival is announced until the day of delivery the family prepares in anticipation.
Imagine finding out you are about to give birth, though you have no idea how you got pregnant or who the father is…that’s what happened to Mary. Now imagine you are preparing to marry your betrothed and you find out she’s pregnant but not by you…that’s what happened to Joseph! 
I recently heard Faith Hill’s song “A baby changes everything.” The song made me think of how true that statement is in more ways than one.
When a new baby is expected many changes are made in the home and in the lives of those expecting the precious one.  Preparations are made to safety proof the home and purchases are made to be sure that the baby’s needs are supplied upon arrival. 
Just like an expectant mother, the human soul lays in wait expecting of deliverance. It is our free moral right to give out soul what it is longing for and expecting, freedom and life in Christ! And don’t worry the preparations have already been made.
The song also made me think of Mary, Joseph and how this holiday season we must follow their examples. They were faced with an unexpected situation, yet instead of running or turning on each other they leaned on each other for support and faced their challenge head on.
When we find ourselves in dire uncontrollable situations, let us lean on Christ for strength and trust Him to make a way!
The other side of the statement; “a baby changes everything is this,” the Christ child was born with purpose; to live, shed blood, die and rise again with all power for the saving of our souls. Because He loves us, God took His Word and wrapped it in flesh just like a Christmas gift for all of mankind; this baby truly did change…EVERYTHING!  When we unwrap this gift, receiving it fully and taking care of it leads to eternal life!
(John 1:14 NKJV And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.) (John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.)
This Christmas season let us remember the love of Christ, share His story and most importantly open our hearts to His love and salvation.
Think about!

Friday, November 30, 2012

"God...the trouble-maker!"

Have you ever had a number of misfortunes befall you and for seemingly no reason? Have you ever felt like, “Hey, I’m a good person, I live a Christian lifestyle, why are bad things happening to me?”  At times we may find ourselves in unexpected trouble and immediately we look for someone to blame. Often times we blame one of two sources; ourselves or the devil. 
There are times when our troubles are indeed caused by our own mistakes, however, there is someone else who allows trouble  to manifest in our lives and we may overlook Him...God!
That’s right, God. I won’t bore you with my own opinions on why I believe God Himself can be a troublemaker in our lives, I’ll get right to the facts and prove it with scripture references. 
Here are some examples of biblical figures that experienced “God-sent trouble.”
In I Samuel 1:5-6 tells we see that Hannah’s trouble from God was that He had closed her womb so that she was not able to bare children though she desperately wanted to.
In II Kings 20:1 Hezekiah’s trouble was that his appointed time had come to die. God sent word to him directly however Hezekiah was not quite ready to “go.”
In I Corinthians 12:7-8 Paul had been given a thorn in his flesh and a satanic buffer to test him, he sought God for deliverance seemingly to no avail.  
So here we have three examples of biblical people troubled by God’s permission. I’m sure many know the story of Job, Lot and Noah, and the list goes on.
Like Hannah we all want to be “fertile” in one way or another. Some may desire a natural child to come forth, while others are longing to give birth to dreams and aspirations. Like Hezekiah we all want to live. Sometimes we not only want to live in the literal sense, but we want to live in prosperity, comfort and glee. And like Paul we all (at some point) may have hindrances in our bodies whether physically, spiritually or mentally that may become a challenge for us.
The important thing to remember in times of trouble is to trust God, even if He allows the troubles to come. Often times our troubles are simply tests, it is up to us to pass these tests. 

Now let’s step back into each story and find out how Hannah, Hezekiah and Paul dealt with their troubles. Hannah was human. She was deeply saddened because of her trouble and refused to be comforted for a while, even by her husband. I Samuel 1:10 says, “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.” In verse 11 Hannah makes her request known to the Lord and makes a vow that if He would grant her a son she would give the child to Him for His use. And though God had closed her womb, when He saw that she allowed her trouble to increase her faith, He granted her heart’s desire and blessed her with a son.
Hezekiah was human. He was sick unto death and was even told that his time to depart this Earthly life had come. II Kings20:2-3 say, “Then he turned his face toward the wall and prayed to the Lord saying, “Remember now O Lord, I pray, how I have walked before you in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what was good in your sight.” "And Hezekiah wept bitterly.Hezekiah reminded God of his faithful walk and cried out to God for mercy and extended life. In verses 5-6 God saw Hezekiah’s tears. He remembered how loyal Hezekiah was and granted him not only life but fifteen extra years on top of that!
Paul was human. He was being challenged physically as well as spiritually but he sought God even though God was allowing the troubles to befall him. He prayed not once but three times concerning the same issue, showing us that he was determined to get an answer from God and would not give up.

Psalms 50:15 says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” James 1:2 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”

The common denominator in all three situations is prayer. Some people feel it is cliche to say, “Pray about everything and worry about nothing.” And maybe it is, but if you believe the stories in the Bible are true you can see from these examples to pray is a real answer to trouble, even when God Himself is the troublemaker!

Think about it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I want to be a TREE!

Here are some more thought-provoking facts and figures about our oldest citizens and living treasures...trees! Can you relate? Well-maintained trees and shrubs can increase property value by up to 14%. Are you increasing the value of those around you, by loving and leading them in the way they should go according to the principals of God’s word? Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30%.  Can you reduce the need for coolants in life when hot situations arise are you cool headed enough to divert trouble? A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree. Are you mature enough to be an example for the “new trees” around you, such as your children and new Christians? A healthy tree can have a value of up to $10,000. Do you know your value and worth and you maintaining your “roots”, “branches” and “trunk” to prove it?
Trees are the longest-living organisms on the planet and one of the earth's greatest natural resources. They keep our air supply clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality, help prevent erosion, provide food and building materials, create shade, and help make our landscapes look beautiful.
All of this is interesting however driving to and fro this Autumn I noticed something else about trees that really make me want to be more like them. Trees not only stand tall and strong year round they also do something that we as people should mock. During autumn a vast majority of trees shed dead leaves. But that’s not the best part. They shed dead leaves and they do not worry about it! You will NEVER see a tree bending over to pick up the dead leaves that have fallen from its branches. You will NEVER see a tree, not even a weeping willow, crying over the loss of leaves that were dead anyway.
Shouldn’t we take note of this? How often do we become heavy with burdens or dead weight and pray to the Lord for deliverance; only to be delivered then turn around and pick up that dead weight putting it right back where it came from? Psalms chapter one tells us we are blessed if we delight in the law of the Lord and that if we meditate on the Lord night and day we’ll become like trees planted by rivers of water. So the next time you feel weighed down by burdens of life, remember the trees of FALL - shed that dead weight and don’t pick it back up!
Think about it.                                                                                                               

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Dooms Day!"

I have written several articles inspired by television programs and this is one of those. I was recently made aware the new series on the Discovery Channel called Doomsday Preppers. The show takes you inside the life of people in different areas of the globe from rural dessert lands to bustling cities; they are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Many worry about the Apocalypse, Continental shifts, and crop failures, as well as Nuclear Wars, Earthquakes, and the collapse of American currency. In preparation they stock pile food, weapons, and animals. They build their homes underground or in metal storage buildings in hidden areas.  They train their children to suit up in doomsday armor. They practice evacuation and survival tactics readying themselves for countless disasters. They all declare they do not do these things out of fear, but out of preparation for the worst that could possibly happen. They also declare that they sacrifice in the present in order to survive in the future.
The majority of the “preppers” have made prepping a way of life. From medical supplies to ammo or from homemade fuel to massive backyard gardens, they work tirelessly to make sure their friends, families, or teams are ready to expect, the unexpected. At the end of the show the “preppers” are advised by doomsday experts on how to better their survival skills. Finally the odds of the impending dangers are measured, and most of the time there is a very low expected rate of any of these disasters ever really taking place. Watching several episodes got me to thinking maybe I should start stockpiling water and dried beans. It also made me wonder if these people are preparing for not only the end of the world, but the end of their lives.

Many feel that we are living in perilous times. But how often do we live daily as if it is our last day? The Bible tells us in Mark 13:31-33, “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.”

No amount of preparing will stop life from ending. However when it does end, make sure you heart is “prepped” and that you have given it to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” So when it comes to eternal life with Christ in heaven I would like to quote one of the “preppers” from the show… “Never stop preparing because you can never be ready enough.”

Think about it!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

God's Salon

Patience is a virtue. When headed to the beauty salon, all ladies need to remember that! Going to the beauty salon can literally consume you entire day. But we do it because we expect to leave better than we went in! Recently, as I sat at the salon I thought about how long it takes and how much people go through to look their best.  If people spent as much time working on their inner beauty as they do their outer beauty I wonder how much more peaceful the world might be. I also thought about how we all need to take a trip to “God’s salon.”
 At a hair salon you go in expecting to wait, and you do so generally speaking, without complaint. Then why is it so difficult for us to wait on God? We sit at the salon with high hopes that the beautician will transform our dull look into something to rave about. Can’t we expect the same from God when it comes to our souls?
We don’t mind getting water splashed on us while at the bowl getting our hair washed; we understand this to be part of the process. But can we understand that at times in order to receive blessings part of the process is to go through trials so that God can see if we are worthy of those blessings?

Not one woman I know has an issue with sitting under a dryer that is frying her scalp and burning her ears to a crisp. But ask her to go through a hot trial and you may see a totally different person. You may find someone who is frustrated, filled with doubts or someone who becomes so inpatient they get “out from under the dryer” and leave God’s salon, just when He is about to turn them into someone astonishing.
I have seen a sign in many salons that says “I’m a cosmetologist, not a magician,” yet I know many women who have more faith in their beautician than they do in God. Oh, and let me throw in that fact that we never have a problem paying that beautician, yet some feel it is asking too much when a special offering is raised in the church much less when the subject of paying tithes is brought up. 
So the next time you make an appointment to get “your do, done.” remember God’s salon, is always open, He’s never late, and you will definitely leave better than you came.

Think about it.