Thursday, September 27, 2012

Treasure today...Tomorrow is not promised!

In the last few months I have been to several funerals or as we like to call them “home-goings.” This caused me to really reflect on my life and my Christian walk. I begin to think about how so many days I may go without really taking time to just appreciate what I have. I know I’m not alone in this. Often times we get busy working, “churching” and entertaining ourselves that we forget mediating or praying. We may get caught up in having church so much that we forget to be the church, to witness and spread the gospel in an effort to win others to Christ.
                In Luke Chapter 12:13-21 is the parable of the “Rich Fool.” Jesus shares the story with a crowd of people and warns them to beware of covetousness. He goes on to tell them about a rich man who had such a great harvest in his fields that he decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones to hold it all.  In verse 19 the rich man is quoted as saying “And I will say to my soul, “Soul you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat drink and be merry.”
                There is an unexpected turn of events in verse 20 that states, “But God said to him, ‘Fool!  This night your soul shall be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” That sounds like some people I know. They are so busy storing up earthly “treasures”- money, fame and power -that they forget about their souls. Have you ever heard the saying “you can’t take it with you?” 
                I’m not saying that money, fame, and power are evil by any means.  I am saying we should not be so overcome with the desire for these things that we forget to commit ourselves and our souls to The Heavenly Father. Because if you really treasure your soul, you will make sure that it has an eternal resting place of peace and not torment.
                We should not wait and go through life thinking we have time to make the necessary changes “tomorrow” because tomorrow is not guaranteed. In verse 20 Jesus says, “So is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God,” meaning we could end up like the rich fool if we take today for granted thinking we have time to repent tomorrow.  We should enjoy as well as treasure life and success, let us also make sure we treasure our souls and remember that tomorrow is not promised.
Think about it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What NOT to wear!

A low key sharp pants suit, the iconic pencil skirt with a twist, a dress to take to the office and to the party after work; these according to Red Book are three of the eight outfits every woman should have.
Clothing is very important to most. Many spend hours looking for the perfect shoes to match their outfit; some are obsessive about their style of dress. Magazines, websites, and television make sure we constantly see images of models adorned in the latest trends.
However, in addition to clothing, we are arrayed daily in many things. I wonder if we take as much time to wear the right spiritual things as we do to wear the right clothing? I know people who wear despair in their body language. They complain about life and they never “wear” joy. Do you know anyone who only wears hatred towards others instead of love on their “sleeve”?
Now that we know what “not to wear,” what should we wear?
Ephesians 6:13-15 says, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand, stand.” “Stand therefore having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”
This is telling us that when we know The Truth, we must hold it tight inside, like a girdle. A breastplate would cover one’s chest which houses…your heart. So wearing your breastplate daily could be symbolic of keeping your heart guarded by what is right in God’s sight.  Shod or covered feet represent walking in the peace of God’s word.
Ephesians 6:16 says, “Above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. This tells us that we should stay covered in our belief of God’s truth so when enemies come against us we’re shielded! Ephesians 6:17 says, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit.  Urging us keep our minds on following God’s plan for our lives and living according to His word, using our weapons, the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
So the next time you are looking for the perfect outfit, don’t forget you spiritual attire.
Think about it.

"What's your Status?"

Millions of us have Twitter and Facebook pages. I venture to say that if you don’t have one you could be considered “old fashioned” or “out of touch” with the times. I’m not calling you that, IJS (and if you don’t know what that means, you have just proven my point) LOL. Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Daily a countless number of people all over the world log on to social networks to chat or reconnect with long lost friends and relatives. They make new friends and sometimes even business connections. I use Facebook, I know there are many ills about the site and I am careful what I post.
I know many deem social networks and online communities as solely “evil” or frown upon Christians and people in general for using them. But I politely beg to differ.  “Yes,” many use these sites as gossip pools and places to vent their feelings or ill wishes towards others. However, that’s not the case with everyone.
I cannot tell you how many times I have logged on to Facebook and have seen a post that encouraged my heart.  Don’t get me wrong, Facebook is not my god in any way. I do not serve it more faithfully or frequently than I do my God, but I do not take its power for granted either.
Through Facebook I have shared and enjoyed stories from people that I would not otherwise see or hear from. Recently someone used it as a vehicle to let me know how my articles in this very newspaper have been a help to them in their Christian walk.  And though it’s not “okay” many people use social media more than they pick up their Bibles.
Sometimes they go days without looking into God’s word for themselves; however, they peruse Facebook every day. If they are my friends chances are they’ll find a daily meditation scripture waiting for them in my status. “Yes”, there are often offensive pictures and language on these sites; however you have the power to “delete” or “unfriend” anyone who offends you.
The Bible is clear in, Matthew 5:30, “And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.” So if anyone’s actions are causing you to waver in doing what is right, or if Facebook as a whole is causing you to waver, cut it off!
I’ll take it even further and say this to “non-social media users,” your status is still on display! If you are known as a gossiper or you are constantly running with a crowd of “friends” who are up to no good, people see - as does God. Instead of frowning upon those of us who use social networks, take the time to remember that whether you “post” it or not, your “status” speaks volume about you. Let those volumes be read as positive Christ-like characteristics.
Think about it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Remember getting “whippings?” Did you ever have to go get your mom a switch to use on you? What was your mom’s or dad’s “weapon” of choice? From belts to fly swatters the options seemed to be endless growing up in my house.
Now that I have children I find myself in the same position my parents were in so many times.  It can be challenging to discipline at times. But good parents, in my opinion, don’t hesitate to do what is necessary when it comes to training their children. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Part of training has to be discipline, with discipline comes punishment. Proverbs 13:24 says, “He who spares the rod, hates his son. But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.”  The New Living Translation puts it this way, “Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children but those who love their children care enough to discipline them.”
What true parent hates their children? I have had to discipline my children a number of times. I know there are many methods of successful discipline such as time out and other alternatives. However, I am not opposed to spanking. I believe when a child gets a spanking they remember the punishment and may be less likely to repeat the offense.
Much like children, Christians at times may need a “spiritual spanking.” God sends His word through men and women of God, not only to bring joy but also to bring discipline. Hebrews 4:12, says “For God’s word is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
The same way a child needs discipline in their training we do as well. When we make mistakes or missteps as believers, it is God sending fatherly love and discipline through His word by using our pastors and ministers.  Most children, especially when they are young, can be spanked for an offense and five minutes later they are back in the arms or on the lap of whoever punished them; we should practice this as adults.
Don’t hold a grudge against the preacher for proclaiming God’s holy word. Likewise, don’t get upset with God for sending discipline your way. Recognize your mistakes and learn from them. Let the Word of God lead you in the right direction. When you feel the sting of the scriptures on your backside, let it be a reminder to you of what you should do better next time. Remember a good father chastens his children. There is no better father then our Lord!
Think about it.