Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"What are you made of?"

Hebrews 3:7-8 “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” I recently read a really cute post, it had picture of an egg and a potato sitting in boiling water together. The post read, “The same boiling water that softens a potato, hardens the egg. It’s not about the circumstances, but rather what you are made of.” Now I look at the post in two ways, in one sense it’s good to be hard. In my opinion being hard may connote, being firm or sure of what you want, as well as, what you will and will not do, in that sense I believe it is good. I also think it’s good to deal with tough situations with a certain amount of hardness. In another sense it can also be good to be soft. For example when it comes to your compassion for others and your demeanor in tough times, often softness is needed. It is good to be able to keep you cool or softness when circumstances try to push you otherwise.
With all that is going on in our world today and the amount of injustice we see, we have to know what we are made of and when to proceed with hardness or softness. Regardless though of what the world may be doing, and or what we may see happening around us, there is one thing I know to be sure; God’s love never fails. The one time you do not want to be hard is when it comes to the acceptance of God’s love. Hebrews 3:7-8, advises us that when we hear the voice of the Lord, not to harden our hearts. You may ask; “How will I know if I have heard the voice of the Lord?” Anytime you hear of the goodness of Jesus Christ, (like in this article) you are hearing the voice of the Lord. He wants us all to do as we were created to do and come unto Him, live for Him and worship as well as exalt His name. As a child I would always hear older folk say, “We really need Jesus in these last and evil days.” Well now I know exactly what they meant. When it seems you cannot go to the store without the threat of thievery and death, we are indeed living in the last and evil days. But we cannot allow the evil around us to harden us to the point where we do not live by and show the love of God. Allow the power and grace of Christ to soften your heart, because not only at the end of the day, but at the end of your life don’t you want to know that regardless of what happens your soul has a heavenly enteral resting place? So what are you really made of? Think about it!