Tis the season of giving! However, in our “microwave” society sometimes it seems we just don’t have or don’t take the time to give. People often seem too caught up in “getting.” Some are trying so hard to get money or fame that they rarely take the time out to give. Also this time of year some are so are worried about getting the perfect gift for everyone that they become stressed and that dulls the joy of giving meant to be felt during the holidays. But as we wrap and ship gifts to distant relatives, or purchase the special toys our little ones have pointed out, is there something that we are forgetting to give?
Matthew 19:16-22 tells the story of a rich young ruler who desired eternal life; this is a gift not just anyone can give. He approached Jesus and asked, “What good thing must I do that I may have eternal life.” Jesus answered by giving him a list of commandments to follow. To which the young man replied in (so many words) “Been there done that.” So Jesus challenged him, by saying “If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.”
At that point the conversation was over. The young ruler didn’t even respond verbally. We all know that actions speak louder than words. I’m sure there were many thoughts that crossed that young rulers mind as he walked away one being, “Is this dude crazy?” The scripture says he simply turned and walked away from Jesus in sorrow for he had great possessions. Doesn’t this still happen today? Wealthy people and people in general are often sorrowful despite what they have, especially (in my opinion) when they don’t have Jesus. The old saying is true “Money cannot buy happiness,” no matter what time of the year it is.
Luke 10:27 says “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.” If you have ever been in love before, you know it takes energy to love someone fully. And if you do love them fully, you also know that in order for them to know that you love them, you give them time, gifts, and words of expression among other things.
But this year, I implore you to forget about waiting to make a New Year’s resolution. Jesus was born and died to afford us a gift that no amount of money will ever be able to buy, eternal life. So why not give to a God who has done so much for you, already even though you have never even met, face to face. Why not give Him your heart, mind, soul and strength as well as your time, talents, prayers and faith? After all when you give to God it’s a guarantee that you will “get” much more in return. Don’t be like the rich young ruler; step up to the plate and be a true giver. Be like the wise men who followed a star into the unknown seeking a savoir and when they found Him they not only laid gifts but their hearts at his feet.
Give…Christ...you! That’s all He has on his list!
Think about it!
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