Thursday, December 6, 2012

A baby...changes everything!

It is no secret that a little bundle of joy brings a host of emotions in the lives of not only their parents but their entire family. From the moment the news of a new arrival is announced until the day of delivery the family prepares in anticipation.
Imagine finding out you are about to give birth, though you have no idea how you got pregnant or who the father is…that’s what happened to Mary. Now imagine you are preparing to marry your betrothed and you find out she’s pregnant but not by you…that’s what happened to Joseph! 
I recently heard Faith Hill’s song “A baby changes everything.” The song made me think of how true that statement is in more ways than one.
When a new baby is expected many changes are made in the home and in the lives of those expecting the precious one.  Preparations are made to safety proof the home and purchases are made to be sure that the baby’s needs are supplied upon arrival. 
Just like an expectant mother, the human soul lays in wait expecting of deliverance. It is our free moral right to give out soul what it is longing for and expecting, freedom and life in Christ! And don’t worry the preparations have already been made.
The song also made me think of Mary, Joseph and how this holiday season we must follow their examples. They were faced with an unexpected situation, yet instead of running or turning on each other they leaned on each other for support and faced their challenge head on.
When we find ourselves in dire uncontrollable situations, let us lean on Christ for strength and trust Him to make a way!
The other side of the statement; “a baby changes everything is this,” the Christ child was born with purpose; to live, shed blood, die and rise again with all power for the saving of our souls. Because He loves us, God took His Word and wrapped it in flesh just like a Christmas gift for all of mankind; this baby truly did change…EVERYTHING!  When we unwrap this gift, receiving it fully and taking care of it leads to eternal life!
(John 1:14 NKJV And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.) (John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.)
This Christmas season let us remember the love of Christ, share His story and most importantly open our hearts to His love and salvation.
Think about!

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