Monday, October 29, 2012

"In need of a make-under"

We should all want to look our best. Many go to extremes to enhance their looks. From plastic surgery to weight loss programs, on a daily basis millions of people go to great lengths to change their appearance for different reasons.
I believe much of the time people may use make up to cover up blemishes or imperfections that they feel they may have. Some may alter themselves in order to make career moves, while other may simply want changes solely for their own satisfaction and confidence.
While I don’t see anything wrong with this per say, I do believe it can become dangerous when individuals are overly fixated on their outer appearance. Even if not personally, we all know someone, for example a celebrity, who has gone to such great lengths where make up is concerned. So often a person’s make-up can become a “cover up” for more than just physical reasons.
I recently browsed an internet article in Rolling Out Magazine.  In the article there were several pictures of celebrities in full make up and then pictures of them without as much make-up or none at all.  The point of the article was basically that many celebs look better without so much make-up covering their natural beauty.
This made me think. How often are we hiding behind the “make-up” of life? We may partake in activities we know that we shouldn’t and then find ourselves hiding behind consequences of bad decisions. Too afraid to come clean and admit that we have done wrong, we may cover up feelings of hurt and rejection with the “make-up” of hardness and begrudging. 
Thinking it will make life better, so many may focus their time and energy on changing their outer appearance when they need to look within. This leads me to the conclusion that it is much better to remove the “make-up” of sin and shame and come “clean” with the Lord.
Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” It doesn’t do us any good to try to hide behind pride, or self-righteousness because the sin is still underneath. Psalms 32:5 (NKJV) states, “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden.” I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the iniquity in my sin. Selah.”
Like many celebrities we will do ourselves a great service if we remove the “make-up,” stop hiding our transgressions, and “come clean” with God. In the long run He is the only who can give us the much needed “make-under” we need.
Think about it.

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