Friday, January 11, 2013

What never changes...

The New Year is in full swing! Now that the holidays are over; I’m sure many of you have taken down your decorations by now. Trees have been dismembered and either tossed or tucked away. Wreaths and lights are probably bundled up and safely stored in basements or attics. Soon the event of the holidays will be mere memories.
The weather will change; time will pass and for those of us who remain, life will go on. But before you know it, the pages on your calendar will once again read December and it will be time to do it all over again. So many things can transpire and change in a year’s time. Technology evolves, babies are born and people pass away. However, there is one thing that remains constant and consistent, that is GOD.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” You can’t count on your I-phone to be efficient for the next forty years. You can’t depend on your parents to be around for the next century. 

You can’t even guarantee that you will be alive and well tomorrow! We cannot predict the events of our day no matter how hard we try or how good we are at scheduling.
God is the one person we can depend on to never change. His love is unfailing and His power is immeasurable. Since we know this, why do we change on Him so often? Have you ever declared your love for the Lord to others one day and the next day curse Him in your heart because things didn’t work out the way you desired them to and you blamed God?

Why are people so quick to stop trusting God? If your bank makes a mistake on a transaction, do you immediately switch banks, maybe but not always?  Sometimes it seems we have more confidence in man than we do in God, even if that “man” is ourselves. Remember this, “man” (including yourself) can and will let you down or change on you. But our mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

Think about it! 

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