Wednesday, December 17, 2014
What should you expect?
Names are very important. Some of the most important names we learn as a child are “mama” and “daddy,” do you agree? I can’t remember a time that I called out “mama,” and if my mother was near, she didn’t respond. And what do we expect when we call out “mama” or “daddy?” Usually we call out to them because we need them in some way, or we need something from them. As children and even as adults if we call out to our parents we fully expect them to answer or supply the need, right?
But what do they expect in return?
My mama expects a few things from me, if I want her to supply me with anything when I call her. She expects respect, and she expects me to “Do what she says.” As a mother I expect my girls to do what I say as well. I mean why should they always call on me for things and receive but never do the things I ask them to do?
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the same way.
Luke 6:46 says, “But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?”
This lets us know that God expects things from us. He has given us the Bible as a guide to understanding what He expects. Yes, He is a merciful and gracious God, granting favor in times we don’t deserve it. After all how many times has you mother given you a treat you really didn’t deserve. God is much better to us than our mothers could ever be.
Luke 11:11-13 “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”
With that being said, when you call on the Lord in expectation, what should HE expect? Have you been doing His will in your life? Or are you just calling on Him expecting His mercy when you have not been doing what His word says?
Does that seem right to you?
How much would you do for a person when they called on you, yet they NEVER did as you asked…? Isn’t it good that God is not like man? He grants us grace and unmerited favor. But shouldn’t we be more than willing to follow His commands knowing He is ever faithful?
Think about it!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The monkey & the coconut!
I recently heard an interesting life lesson tale. As much as I read and as many fables and tales that I know; I have never heard this one until lately! It is called The Monkey & the Coconut. It tells the story of a hungry monkey looking for food and a hunter looking for a monkey to capture.
In the story the hunter takes a coconut and cuts a small hole in it then puts a little rice at the bottom. The monkey, smelling the rice sticks his hand inside and grabs it up. But he cannot get his hand out without letting go of the rice and is soon captured by the hunter.
How often in life are we hungry for things and searching? How often are we faced with decisions and make them hastily? How many times have we overlooked the simple solution (like dumping out the rice) in our haste to solve our own problems?
Like the little monkey we may be searching for things and settle for the first thing we come across instead of taking our time and seeking God for guidance.
Have you ever been in need and just accepted the first solution you were presented with only to regret it later, like the monkey? Have you ever gotten yourself into a predicament and all you needed to do was…let go? Yet like the monkey you held on to something that was not meant for your good because you felt desperate and refused to let go.
Let go of past hurt and forgive.
Let go of hatred and love.
Let go of sin and live for Christ.
Often times the enemy (the hunter) is after us and uses the simplest things to lure us into a place, we don’t need to be. This world is unpredictable. So many things can come our way and leave us desperate for help. It is in these times we must remember every answer lies within God’s word and every solution can come from His power.
Scripture Reference
II Peter 1:3 “as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.”
Think about it!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Are you the one?
Do you consider yourself to be grateful? I mean beyond the average, saying grace over your food or saying, thank you when someone opens a door? I don’t know about you, but I know I am guilty of taking God’s grace and mercy for granted and not truly being thankful on a daily basis. Let’s consider Luke 17:12-19.
12 Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. 13 And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
In biblical days when a person was found to have leprosy they were immediately sent away from their home to wonder in the wilderness because their disease was contagious. They were forced to leave their families and jobs, so it’s no wonder these lepers having heard of Jesus rushed over when they saw Him coming, expecting a miracle.
14 So when He saw them, He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.
When we ask God for something first we must believe He’s going to grant our request. Once he grants our request it is very important that we then turn and walk or act on that faith to receive our expected blessing. So far so good for the lepers, let’s continue.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks.
Here we see one of the lepers took his faith into the realm of showing true gratitude. Once he noticed he had received his miracle, he stopped to worship and give thanks! How many times have we been spared from unexpected danger or received an answer to a long awaited prayer only to throw God one tiny, “thank you?” You may say, “So what, at least I said thank you.” Well let’s continue reading.
17 So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.
There were ten desperate lepers, who came to Jesus in faith and they were cleansed. There was one who returned to worship and glorify the Lord who made whole! I believe that because the one turned back and show genuine gratitude he was made complete. The others were only cleansed, meaning they could very well become sick again and have to return to the wilderness. Being cleansed does not mean you won’t get dirty again right? But being made whole, means complete and free from disease.
So the next time you receive and awaited or unexpected blessing/miracle, don’t forget to glorify God. As a matter of fact let’s glorify Him on a daily and basis in advanced! Are you the one?
Think about it!
Soul Protectant
In the summer we wear sun screen. In the winter we wear extra clothing. These are just a few measures we take in order to protect ourselves from the elements of our environment. Thinking about how we make sure we protect the outside of our bodies, makes me think about how we MUST protect our spirit man as well. So many times we see people working out or exercising in order to better their outer body, yet they will eat fatty foods or indulge in too many sweet treats and remain unhealthy in inwardly.
That being said what are you doing to insure that your soul is protected from eternal dangers? Some would say, “Hey I go to church every Sunday.” I present to you the question, “Is that enough?” Is it enough just to be a “church-goer,” but never exercise your faith outside church? Better yet, is it enough to just say you are a Christian but no one can see the evidence in your lifestyle?
Why should someone believe we are a Christian, which means “Christ-Like” if we quote scriptures and curse in the same breath…or POST? What is the evidence of your relationship with Christ if you look like a healthy upstanding Christian on the outside but fill your inside is filled with vile items such; as drugs, alcohol, or evil thoughts and pleasures?
You may say, “It doesn’t matter to me what people think I am…I know what I am!” Great, then let me add this…so does GOD! He knows the inner workings of your heart, mind and soul. He knows if we are keeping Him first or just calling on him like sunscreen in the summer…applying only when we feel we need to!
So the next time you see rain and grab an umbrella, the next time you feel a chilly wind and grab a jacket to protect your outer body, take a pause and make sure that your soul is also protected.
Think about it
Scripture References
Romans 10:13NKJV- For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 2 Tim 2:22 KJV- Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Mark 12:30 NKJV- And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.
If someone told you they were a professional football player but looked like this
Would you believe them?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Fear Vs. Faith
Have you ever been caught up in the midst of some trouble you were not expecting and didn’t know how to get yourself out? Have you ever been toiling with a particular situation or circumstance and just needed peace? If you have experienced anything like either question above my final question for you is, did you walk in faith or in fear?
In Matthew 8:5-10, Jesus was visiting Capernaum when a Centurion officer approached. The officer told Jesus that one of his faithful servants was lying at his home dying, paralyzed and tormented.
Can you imagine this well respected wealthy man, caring so much for his servant that he sets out seeking the help of someone he had never met? That sounds like faith to me. I believe he could have hired the best doctors in the land, and paid endless amounts of money to have them work on his servant, but he was not walking in his own knowledge or power, he was walking in faith. He sought out Jesus.
When he told Jesus of his plight, Jesus quickly offered to go to his house and heal his servant. In verses 8 the Centurion said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.” Not only did he have the faith to seek out a stranger, but he had the faith to take that stranger at His word and believe for a miracle.
Let us keep this story in mind when unexpected things come our way. When sickness grips your body out of nowhere and even the doctors scratch their heads. When your car decides to go “ka-put” and your money in the bank is “funny.” Stop a moment and ask yourself… “Am I going to react/walk in fear or in faith?”
What are the benefits of walking in faith you might ask? Let’s look at the end of the Centurion’s story. Verses 10 & 13 say, 10When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! 13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour.
I don’t know about you but I could use a same hour blessing! So the next time calamity comes our way, let’s walk in faith and not fear believing God for a same hour blessing in the mist of it all!
Think about it!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
This should go viral!
The Urban Dictionary defines to “go viral” as - used in reference to Internet content which can be passed through electronic mail and social networking sites. An article on Jeff states: “Viral used to mean a catching a bad disease that spread quickly and brought sickness or death. Now it means “fame and fortune” via a social media. Here’s how things have changed. The art of going viral has moved far beyond one time flukes to a formula and a process.”
I must say I completely agree. Just think about how many 15 second videos you watch per day just for a laugh. It is so easy these days to receive entertainment, as well as, information, whether valid or not, from social media with the flick of your thumb or the click of your finger.
Millions or even billions of people around the world participate in, view and post videos, pictures and comments in hopes of them “going viral.” I’m sure you have heard of “Sweet Brown,” “Antoine Dodson” and others that have become famous, even if just for a moment, due to something they did or said “going viral.” If you have been living under a rock and not heard anyone say, “ain’t nobody got time for that,” or “hide yo kids, hide yo wife,” then I know you have heard of the fire, wall and even ice challenges that spread like wildfire through the cyber-sphere!
All of this awakens a thought in me. That thought is, what if we spend half the time sharing the gospel of Christ as we do “liking” silly videos and posting comments on the latest injustices of the world. Stop for a moment and think about that. Compare the number of comments you have posted on social media, the number of texts you have forwarded, and the number of pictures you have uploaded…to the number of times you have shared the good news of Christ…WOW that hurts don’t it, (don’t worry I’m guilty as well.)
But we can all do better.
As Christian it behooves us not only to aimlessly surf the social media world, but to be a light and example in that world. Consider how you may be friends with someone on Facebook or Instagram that you have never met face to face, and most likely never will, yet you communicate with them practically every day even if it’s just to “like” their latest picture, now ask yourself how many times you have said anything to them about Christ. I think I have made my point.
Now that should go viral!
Think about it!
Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Personal space is very important to most people. Don’t you hate when you’re driving along, minding your own business and someone tailgates you? Does it bother you when you are in a crowded room and no one makes the effort to space out, or when a co-worker gets right in your face talking with coffee breath? How about when you’re walking on a dark street and hear footsteps behind you…do you like being followed by the unknown?
Even though many hate to be followed closely literally, FOLLOWING has become very popular with this generation. You can follow your friends every move from sun up until sun down on social media. Mega stars want to be known by the number of followers they have. Not only are we following famous people some of us even follow foolishness such as VINE video featuring things like sneezing babies and screaming cats.
Whether we like it or not we are all followers of someone/something in one way or another. We follow the laws of the land, follow rules at school or work, some even follow personal rules. Many of us spend hours each day following something that has no significance at all for example, how many hours a day do you spend scrolling on FACEBOOK not to mention Instagram and TWITTER. Before you ask, yes, I am a follower and I have people following me.
Now I don’t know the statistics on how many people hate to be followed weather on social media or literally followed, however, I do know someone who loves to be followed and closely at that….Jesus Christ.
My question then is this how are you “following” Christ? Mark 15:54 NKJV says, “But Peter followed Him at a distance…” Jesus walked the Earth preaching and performing miracles, Peter was there to witness much of that yet when the going got tough, PETER GOT GOING! Can the same be said of you? Are you so busy following friends, trends and social media that you don’t have time to closely follow Jesus? Do you spend so much time worrying about your life you’re yourself that you neglect becoming a follower of the only person who is really deserving?
When I speak of following Christ I’m talking about more than just posting a daily scripture on your timeline or saying you’re a Christian out of your mouth. I’m talking daily self-denial, truly trusting Him and living for Jesus ON PURPOSE…no matter who’s watching.
Don’t be like Peter. If you are following Christ follow closely so that others can see and know who you really live for and who you really FOLLOW. Think about it.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Let's take a Selfie!"
You would have to be living under a rock in this day and time to have never heard of a “selfie”. According to research millions are shared each and every day across all the major social media platforms. It is a phenomenon of our generation.
I take selfies and I’m sure most of you reading this article do as well. When it comes to social media, I consider my pages on FACEBOOK and TWITTER to be we…a reflection of me. I mean it bears my name therefore; it should bear my character, right? Without being too deep…shouldn’t we be careful concerning the things we post, type, tag and “like?”
Recently my Pastor brought the message, “The connection between the heart and the mouth.” It was a simple yet profound word on how the things in our heart, will eventually come out of our mouths and affect us in many ways, spiritually as well as naturally and even physically. Don’t believe me? Have you ever seen a news report of someone who had hate in their heart for someone else, and when that hate come out of their mouths tragic things took place? He explained to us how the heart is really the place we make our decisions.
When people take and post selfies in my opinion they just want to share something about themselves or how they are feeling, with others they are connected to. Like it or not, there is a big connection between the heart and one’s FACEBOOK page. So…what about doing a “spiritual selfie?”
Often times we go about our daily lives without taking self-evaluations. A selfie is just a picture of someone, a depiction or reflection of them in other words. Ask yourself questions like what am I reflecting or depicting today? What are people seeing when they look at me? Some may say these things are not important but I beg to differ. As Christians the way we carry ourselves, the things we say and even the things we post or “like” can tell others quite a different story about us that we intend.
Not only that but we must be concerned with what God sees when He checks out the “selfie of our hearts.” I Samuel 16:7 says in part, “For the Lord does not see as man see; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” The thoughts looming in our hearts matter a great deal to God. Psalms 51:10 says Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” So let us all take the time to take a “spiritual selfie”. Look deep inside your heart and evaluate what God sees when you post that picture into the atmosphere.
Think about it.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Don't take the mercy for granted!
I recently read a very interesting article on the internet. It talked about how a murderer was released from prison as a free man after two failed attempts to execute him for his crimes. The article stated that a man who had murdered his family was sentenced to die by lethal injection. It went on to say that the drug used in the first stage of the injection which should render a person unconscious or brain dead, did not affect his system. After this failed attempt the judge ruled that he must still be put to death and gave him the option of a second injection attempt or to be electrocuted. According to the article he chose to die by electrocution. However they reported that when the switch was thrown the chair failed to operate. In instead of trying again, the article said they removed the man from the chair and threw the switch again. When the chair operated perfectly they decided it had all been an act of God’s mercy and they released him out into the world a free man.
Now I later found out that of course this article was bogus, but it did of course get me to thinking about God’s mercy, which is poured out on us so many times, undeserving. Psalms 103:11-12 reads, “For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy towards those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Psalms 103:17, in part says, “But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him.”
I don’t know about you but I know several people who say they appreciate God’s grace and mercy on a daily basis but they take it for granted because refuse to submit to His will and live totally for Him. These scriptures are telling us that we can be the recipients of God’s mercy if we fear or reverence and respect Him. In order to do that we must love Him and in order to love Him we must keep Him first in our lives.
I’m not perfect by any means, but I do make it my business to walk, talk, live in integrity and please God on not only a daily but hourly basis. In this day and time so many have turned away from the faith, but remember God’s mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. This means that it is never too late to take advantage of His mercy, repent and live for Him only as long as you have breath in your body.
Mercy has to do with “not getting what you deserve.” It is the compassion of one upon another. If it were not for God’s mercy, take a moment and reflect upon what you deserve or where you deserve to be right this moment as a result of your deeds. Now realize that God’s mercy never fails so don’t take it for granted.
Think about it.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Begin with the end in mind!
Pretty much everyone on the planet has a calendar. Why is that? Because we live our daily lives in anticipation of “what’s next.” Those of us who set goals do so because it’s easier to reach a destination when you know where you are going. I recently attended a youth conference where the speaker was very simple, yet profound. She made a statement along the lines of, “begin with the end in mind.” She went on to describe how we do this from day to day and most times without even thinking twice. For example, if as a student, you set the goal of graduating…that’s the end. Then you must begin with preparation and study in the beginning, in order to see that end goal come to past.
This of course made me think deeper about our spiritual lives. Do we begin each day with our eternal end in mind? Many of us proclaim that we are “children of God,” and with God being our father our goal should be to live with Him in heaven eternally upon our earthly demise…that is the end.
Just like with any “end goal,” in order to see it happen we must begin with preparation. With that being said what are we doing daily to prepare for our eternal end? We don’t have a problem preparing for tests in order to get a passing grade; preparing for a wedding in order to have a marriage or even putting together cribs and buying clothes in preparation for a new babies arrival.
Then we should not have a problem living a “Christ-like” life in preparation for our eternal end. Everyone’s life is coming to an end and no one knows exactly when that will occur for them. Therefore it behooves us to live every single day like it is our last. We should start our day out acknowledging God and keeping Him first throughout that day.
On a daily basis do you live it in the realization that it could be your very last opportunity to show someone love who really needs it, or apologize to someone you have wronged? Do you carry yourself in a manner that proves you know any given moment could be your last chance to lead someone to Christ? So the next time you are setting goals for your life, don’t forget, set your eternal “end goal” and begin each and every day with the end in mind!
Think about it!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Where's your flavor?
Have you ever been really hungry? I mean really hungry? So hungry that you felt as if you could eat just about anything! Have you ever had a big time craving for a particular food? A craving that was so serious you got up at midnight or drove a long distance to get it? Last question; have you ever had a craving, got what you were craving only to be disappointed because the food needed...flavor, namely salt?
Did you know that salt is essential for animal life, and saltiness is one of the basic human tastes? Salt is also one of the oldest and most universal of food seasonings and it is used as an important method of food preservation.
I'm sure that there aren't many places in the world where salt is not used. Now what if you got that craving, added salt and nothing changed about the flavor of your food? Wouldn’t you think that strange? Thinking of salt made me think about our Christian walk.
Mark 9:50 says, “Salt is good but if the salt loses its flavor now will you season it? Have salt in yourselves and have peace with one another.” To me this scripture is saying there is no flavoring that can give salt a taste… so if salt is “saltless” it is then useless. I have a point bear with me.
Matthew 5:13-16 says, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
I said all of that to say this, if you are calling yourself “salt” or a Christian, then you must function as such. Flavor those around you with the word of God, showing love and kindness. After all if we are supposed to be the salt of the earth then the earth should be seasoned with God’s love, forgiveness, peace and so forth. The world is hungry for THE TRUTH. It is up to us to be the salt God intended us to be. Where’s your flavor? Think about it.
Friday, May 2, 2014
He'll NEVER pass you by!
Have you ever walked passed someone on the street and not noticed them even though you should have? Have you ever walked by someone you knew on the street and didn’t realize it until they called your name, and though they were related to you or you knew them you simply passed them by.
I recently watched two Youtube videos that brought these questions and thoughts to mind. Both videos were experiments on today’s society and how we often take people for granted or just plain over look people in need. Both videos also pertained to the serious problem of homelessness in our society today.
In the first video family members volunteered to be made over into homeless people and placed on the street where another unsuspecting family member was sure to walk pass them. In ever single case the unsuspecting family member walked right past their, mother, sister, uncle or cousin without so much as a second glance. It was only after they were shown the video of themselves walking past their relative that they realized how much they tuned out the homeless, so much so they had failed to recognize their own family member dressed as a vagabond on the street.
The second video was called “The Homeless child experiment.” During this video the producer was trying to show the insensitiveness of Americans. He had a child actor dressed as a homeless boy holding a sign asking for money to feed his sister. Needless to say, over the course of the entire day hundred’s of people in different busy locations simply walked past this child; many of them after looking directly at him AND reading his sign.
I don’t know about you but I have been guilty of simply concentrating on myself, my business and my needs so much that I have walked passed by people I knew as well as people who were in need. These videos were an eye opener. I’m not saying that I’ll be scoping out homeless people to help, but I can say I will be more attentive and help out when I can.
I also said all that to convey this message, “Isn’t it great that God is NOT like
man!” Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am
your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My
righteous right hand.”
So remember that in times of lowliness, or need, when it seems the world and
everyone around has abandoned you; our God and Creator is and always will be
with you, He will never pass you by!
Think about it!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
With Easter just past hearing the story of Jesus suffering told by my bishop, I got to thinking about the sacrifice our Lord and Savior made for us so I did some more reading and researching, check this out.
The Scourging…Jesus endured a torture that beyond excruciating before He ever got to the cross. Scourging was not normally used as execution, but it was brutal enough to be fatal. Its purpose was not only to cause great pain, but to humiliate as well. To scourge a man was to beat him worse than one would beat a stupid animal.
The Stripes...The instrument used to deliver this form of punishment was called the flagrum or cat o’ nine tails. This was a whip with several thongs or strands, each as much as three feet long, and the strands were weighted with lead balls or pieces of bone. This instrument was designed to lacerate. The weighed thongs struck the skin so violently that it broke open. Before a scourging the victim is stripped naked of any clothing. The maximum amount of stripes one could receive was…you guessed it, 39.
The Crown…As Jesus was bent over with a lacerated bleeding body they hailed him “King of the Jews,” and the soldiers put together a garland of bushes filled with long sharp thorns, and they created a crown of thorns and placed it upon His already bruised head. (Note: they probably didn’t take the time to measure His head for size)
The Journey…There have been several theories over the years as to how far Jesus walked with the cross. The main consensus is that He walked an estimated half of a mile with the cross.
(NOTE: From the scourging to the journey to Golgotha, was at least two full hours of suffering. Mark 15:25 says, “Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him.”)
The Cross... There are no exact figures on the weight of the cross that Jesus carried. It is estimated to be over 300 pounds. It was made of solid wood. Imagine how heavy the wood had to be, in order to be able to support the weight of a full grown man.
The Nails…Jesus' nails would have been made of heavy, probably square, iron material, 7-9 inches long.
The Crucifixion…This was among the most painful and excruciating form of punishment leading to death ever contrived by man. Imagine hanging naked, bleeding and aching before a crowd, nailed by your hands and feet trying to support your weight on a cross.
The Humiliation…Soldiers took His garments and divided into four pieces then drew lots to see who would be the new owner of His tunic.
The Wine…While on the cross in the blistering sun Jesus thirsted and the soldiers mocked him offering him only sour wine to drink. After tasting the sour wine, knowing everything prophesied had been fulfilled Jesus uttered three words, “It is finished,” and He bowed His head and died.
The Piercing… As if everything done weren’t enough instead of breaking his legs as was tradition one of the soldiers took a spear and pierced Jesus in the side releasing water and his last few drops of blood.
(Note: From the nails to the wine, it was at least a full six more hours of agonizing pain. Mark 15:33 says, “at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice…”)
Isaiah 53:4-6 Read it and think about it!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Love is an action word! You can tell someone “I love you,” a million times but if you never show it, only a fool would believe your words.
A Christian group called King & Country have a song called “The Proof of your love,” here are some of the opening lyrics.
“If I sing but don't have love, I waste my breathe with every song… I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise.” “If I speak with a silver tongue, convince a crowd but don't have love, I leave a bitter taste with every word I say...” “So let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love, let my love look like You, and what You're made of. How you lived, how You died, love is sacrifice, so let my life be the proof…the proof of Your love.”
Everyday millions declare they “love the Lord!” Well I challenge you, if you say you love the Lord, then PROVE IT! How do you do that? Simple, do what God did for you, and like the words of the song, prove your love with your life.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
I John 3:16 says, “By this we know love because He laid down his life for us…”
God loved us so much that He didn’t just say it; He stepped down off His throne of grace, wrapped Himself in flesh, came to Earth and gave up His life on our behalf. As if that were not enough He ventured into the depths of the Earth and conquered death, finally He rose again with all power in His hands. Our God didn’t have a problem nor did He hesitate to prove His love.
That being said, if we love Him in return, let’s cut out loving Him in “lip service” only. John 14:15 says, “If you love me; keep my commandments.”
IT’s time to stop saying “I’m a Christian, I’m a believer,” “I love and trust God,” in one breath and then cursing people out, speaking and doing evil in the next. IT’s past time to prove our love for God with our lives. By living TOTALLY as He commanded, without picking and choices what commands we’ll follow from one day to the next. When God gave of Himself for us He gave all! So if you love HIM, PROVE IT!
Think about it!
What do you “think about it?” I’d love to hear your feedback on the articles
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Prepare for the thief in the night!
What precautions do you take before bedding down at night? Do you lock your car, check all the windows in the house or lock and latch the doors? If you knew a thief was coming to invade you home, wouldn't you prepare? If you we're told that something great or either something terrible was going to take place for sure… would you not take the time to make arrangements and be ready? If you answered yes to any of these questions are you prepared for Christ's return?
Luke 12:39-40 says, "But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect." If you are a believer, you may not know the exact hour when the Son of man will return but you do know for sure that He is coming. Therefore it behooves us to prepare and help others prepare as well. I’m sure you would not allow your loved ones to be invaded if you knew they were in danger. Then why not be a witness and a light, a warning so to speak, to them and let them know that now is the time to prepare for the thief in the night.
I Thessalonians 5:2-6 says; “For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.
So though we do not know the day or hour that Christ will return, let us “get our houses in order!” Make sure you are sober or attentive to the times around you. Make sure that you are vigilant or watchful over your soul. Keep the doors of you heart locked and secured with the love and obedience of Christ, so that when He does return you will be ready!
Think about it!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Mountain moving fig tree faith
Have you ever been so hungry that you felt like you would eat the first thing in sight? In the book of Mark chapter 11:12-14 Jesus was in that predicament. After much travel the scripture tells that Jesus was indeed hungry and He saw a fig tree bearing leaves afar off.
Now, have you ever been really hungry and started to crave something or smell a dish and begin to desire it; only to be let down because it wasn’t as good as you hoped or because “your eyes were bigger than your stomach?” This also happened to our Lord who, decided He wanted some nice juicy figs fulfill His hunger; only to arrive at the tree and find there were no figs.
Bring this scenario in to our every day lives. There are and will be times that we will desire things, dare to dream and pursue with the intent to accomplish greatness; only to be let down by people, ourselves or circumstances. IT is at those times that we must exercise “mountain moving fig tree faith,” as Jesus did.
Jesus must have been extremely hungry not realize that the fig tree was not at fault, verse 13 explains that it was “not the season for figs.” But that didn’t stop Jesus from retaliating against the tree. Verse 14 says, “In response (to the barren tree) Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” And His disciples heard it.”
Brief pause here….I wonder what the disciples were thinking when they heard their leader talking to a tree…
Okay back to the point of this article. A day later Jesus and the disciples passed back by this same tree and discovered it was now, not only barren, but dried up from the root. Jesus’ curse upon the tree had taken place. In verse 21 Peter says to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree which you cursed has withered away.” Peter seemed to be impressed and even surprised. But what Jesus says next is what we must all obtain. He said in verses 22-24, “Have faith in God.” For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
See when Jesus wanted a thing; and it didn’t manifest to quench His desire, He did not whine about it. He spoke, believed and moved forward. He did not go back to SEE if the tree had withered, because He had mountain moving fig tree faith, he didn’t feel the need to double check!
So the next time you are hungering for something in your life whether natural or spiritual, exercise your “mountain moving fig tree faith,” and let that settle it! Believe and you shall receive.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Showing and Living your...THANK YOU!
Have you ever watched an award show and heard the artists, musicians, actors or other award winners say, "I want to thank God for blessing me." Have you ever met or do you know anyone who has escaped a tragedy, come close to death or lost it all, only to regain more and heard them declare thanks to the Lord above? Finally have you ever met or do you know anyone who is very wealthy and often gives God the credit by verbally thanking Him? If you said yes to any of these questions, please allow me to ask one more, do any of those described above not only speak but "show" their thanks? In an early morning study I read Deuteronomy chapter 8. In the passage the children of Israel are reminded of their journey through the wilderness. The chapter starts out by telling them to be careful to observe God's commands in order to continue receiving what God has for them. It goes on
to have them recall that they were never hungry, thirsty or unclothed in the wilderness because of God's grace and mercy. The passage urges the children of Israel of some very important principals. Number 1: vs.18 says in part, "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth." Now most wealthy, un-wealthy, or blue collar people have this part down packed. They remember the Lord in thanks by saying grace over their food, or by thanking Him every now and again for their belongings, success and or loved ones. Some people even go so far as to give thanks publicly and I believe all of this is good. However, here is the main point I want to make, vs. 3 says in part, "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord." This is where I feel many people forget to focus. They quote scriptures all day, but upon further observation of their lives, they do not live those
scriptures. Many proclaim salvation but only from the things they "want" to be saved or delivered from. Deut. 8:5-6 says, "You should know in your heart that as a man chastens his son, so the Lord God chastens you. Therefore you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him." These scriptures prove that it is not enough to just verbally thank God. We must observe or pay attention to intentionally "show" Him our thanks. How do we do that? By living out the commandments or instructions/ordinances of the Lord, on purpose every single day, even and especially the commands we may not "want" to follow. Search within yourself, evaluate whether you are just saying, or if you are indeed showing AND living your "Thank You." Think about it!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The Little LUMP
Have you ever stumped your baby toe really hard and limped for days? Have you ever gotten a deep paper cut on your pinky and thought you would keel over? I know many women who have suffered from Cancer that almost took their lives but it all started as a little lump. Recently I cut my thumb pretty deep with a razor while shaving and for days it practically drove me mad! It was kind of like having a toothache and the pain affecting your entire body. That little razor cut affected my ability to get dressed, to write, to text and sometimes to think! Because the cut on my thumb was in such an awkward place it was making me have to figure out other ways to get things done.
If you can not relate to any of this, though I’m pretty sure just about everyone can, think about how small things can bring large affects. What I mean is; sometimes little things can blow up and bring big blessing as well as big problems. If you don’t believe little things matter, try to log on to a website and omit one letter or even one symbol and see if that site opens for you. Try to cook your favorite meal, expecting it to taste the same and leave out one ingredient. Galatians 5:9 NKJV says, A little leaven leavens the whole lump, meaning it only takes a little bit to get the job done as well as to reek havoc.
Now back to my thumb; for days I bandaged it and applied ointment to get it back to its original state; so that I could once again use my entire hand the way it was intended. What’s my point? Well just like my thumb and the incident with the razor…things happen, “little lumps” come up. We can not allow little arguments, heart break, hurts or even failures to handicap and cripple us from walking with Christ as we are intended to. We have to press on! Though my thumb was bandaged, I couldn’t call in sick to work I had to press on. I took the necessary steps towards my healing. That is what we all must do, when we make mistakes, when little lumps arise, don’t ignore them. And certainly don’t allow them to grow. Had I not taken care of my thumb, no doubt, it would have gotten worse. Dirt could have gotten inside and caused it to become infected. This can happen spiritually, if we allow the cares of this life to consume us, or if we allow what
we are going through to take us over. With the great God we serve, if we strive to live for Him as His word commands, we can do all things through His strength.
Do you need a band-aid or some ointment for you spiritual ailment…look to the word of God? (Philippians 4:13) Think about it!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
DON'T stop waiting!
To wait is defined as; to stay in place in expectation, to stay until an expected event takes place or until someone arrives. Often times we wait for things to happen in our lives and we may even wait in expectation but sometimes the unexpected may come and bring blessings along with it if we rise to the challenge.
St. John shares a story in his book the 5th chapter from verses 1-15 of sick, lame and blind people lying in wait at the Sheep gate near the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. An angel would come down periodically and stir the water in the pool; at that time whoever stepped in first would be healed of their ailment. I can imagine the anticipation of all those that were laying waiting on the angel to show up. I can also imagine the “black Friday” rush towards the pool when they saw the water being stirred. I wonder how many lost their lives fighting for their healing?
At any rate, one particular man had been lying and waiting his turn for a healing for thirty eight years. One day Jesus showed up on the scene. Being The Almighty, of course Jesus knew the man’s condition as well as how long he had been waiting. Instead of summoning the angel to come down, which he very well could have, Jesus asked the man what some may say was an obvious question. He asked, “Do you want to be healed?”
Here’s where the man, like many of us almost went wrong, in my opinion. I think his reply should have simply been, “yes.” Of course he wanted to be healed why else was he waiting by the pool for the last thirty eight years? Instead of answering the question straight forward it looks like to me; the man invited Jesus to his “pity party.” He said, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” He must not have known who he was talking to because if he had, he would have defiantly said yes! I think he was to busy still focusing on what he could or did NOT have. How many times have we done this? Just like this man, our blessing could be staring us right in the face if only we would stop whining and take time to notice.
Despite the man’s failure to recognize Him Jesus, still desired to bless him, think about this for a moment…do I need to go there? Ok, I will. How many times does our wonderful Savior come to our rescue and provide for us even when we stand before him OVER LOOKING HIM?
In verse 8 Jesus says to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. All I can think is, wow! He could have been healed at least 5 minutes earlier had he realized his healing was coming from the one he was speaking to…Jesus. So how much faster will you receive your next blessing despite the obstacles you may be facing? Stop looking for “someone,” to come to your rescue. Stop sitting around waiting for someone to tell you it’s your turn! Believe in your savior and just say “YES,” because He is always there when you want Him. He is standing before you with exactly what you need.
Think about it!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Power Outage!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
"How you... waitin'?"
NKJV Psalms 62:5 “My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him”
Do you watch Wendy Williams? Have you ever heard her catch-phrase, "How you doin'?" I'm pretty sure the majority of America has heard her say this popular phrase. What I want to know is not "how you doin," but, "how you…waiting?"
There are so many instances when we have to wait, from waiting for a subway train or taxi cab to waiting on your family members to come downstairs and get in the car so you won't be late for church. I don't know about you but in more cases than not… I hate waiting! I'm a stickler for being on time so I value mine. I do my best to arrive or start tasks on time, that being said, I expect others to value my time and do the same.
Time is one thing in this life that we cannot get back because once it's gone it's gone. Recently waiting on my daughter to come out of basketball practice I became impatient. She had asked me to arrive at a particular time and I did. Only when I arrived she wasn't ready, causing me to wait, and that didn't sit well with me especially after 20 minutes.
As I sat and waited I thought, "I'm sitting here waiting and fuming yet she's inside without a care because she knows I'm out here, and if I weren't out here she'd know I was coming." I said all of that to say this, the next time you are waiting on the Lord, "how you waiting?" Are you waiting like I was at that moment, full of anxiety, mad and impatient? Or are you waiting like my child was without worry or care in the world, but with expectation and knowing that what you need is either already there or on the way.
Let’s revert back to the scripture at the top of this article. Psalms 65:2 says “My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.” It is in God we must trust with expectation while we are waiting. The writer here says “for my expectation is from Him.” I interpret that as them saying they are saying, “Hey I’m going to expect great things for the God who created expectation, and it doesn’t get any better than that!”
Now don’t think I’m saying that waiting on God to move and trusting him all the while is not a challenge because I know from experience it certainly is. However I also have several testimonies and know from experience that when you please God and wait on Him with expectation…well let me give you scripture, Proverbs 23:18 KJV says “For surely there is an end, and thine expectation shall not be cut off.”
Think about it!
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