Thursday, December 31, 2015

Seeing is not always believing!

Have you ever seen something, you just could not believe, so much so that you had to watch it twice or several times? I recently saw a video of a group of men digging in the rubble of a building that had collapsed in a foreign country. As the video concluded it turned out they were digging a baby out of the rubble. The baby was alive! It was hard to believe. In our society, young people and old alike are greatly influenced by what they see. Many only believe what they see, and feel justified in not believing in God because they can’t see Him. In the gospels Jesus had journeyed with the disciples and did many miracles right before their very eyes. They witnessed lame men walk and blind men receive their sight not to mention they watched Jesus bless a basket containing two fish and a mere five loaves of bread, yet He used it to feed thousands. Not only that the thousands were filled and there were leftovers! How could you not believe in a Savior like that after seeing what they saw right? Nevertheless, there was one who had trouble believing, his name was Thomas. Jesus had declared that once He had been offered up a living sacrifice and killed that He would rise again. No doubt Thomas heard this declaration as he had traveled with Jesus. However when it was discovered that Jesus indeed had risen after He had revealed Himself to the disciples Thomas didn’t believe, as he was absent when Jesus showed up. John 20:25 records Thomas saying, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Not only was he unbelieving he was unwilling to change his mind without very hard evidence. I fear there are many in our world today living under this same mindset. The story concludes by letting us know that Jesus reappears and reveals himself to Thomas, allowing him to see and feel what he was determined he needed to in order to believe. Jesus had some important words to share with Thomas that we all need to remember today. In John 20:29 Jesus said to Thomas, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” You see, many in our world today only believe in what they see or so they say, yet they see people walk away from car accidents when they should have died or babies emerge from collapsed buildings unharmed and still have the nerve to say there is no God! Know this, seeing is NOT always believing. I have never seen God but I have seen His power! I know He lives, how about you? Think about it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Watching over you!

I recently read a parable and it really made me think, so I wanted to share it. The author of the story is unknown. As a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood, a young boy was taken into the forest by his father at night and left on a stump blindfolded. The boy was instructed not to move, not to remove the blindfold and not even cry out for help. If he made it through the night the next morning he would be considered a man. Standing there throughout the night, no doubt, the young boy must have been very afraid of the things he could not see but could hear in the darkness all around him. The story concludes by saying the next morning the young boy saw rays of sunshine coming through the blindfold and knew he had accomplished the task and was now a man! Removing the blindfold, however, he found his father sitting next to him, as he had been the entire night. The story made me think of how often in life we may feel we are alone. We may become frightened because of what we cannot see or because of things we hear. We may be subjected to very dark times and feel paralyzed. But at the end of the day we must remember what the word says about our Almighty Creator. Deut. 31:6NKJV says, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave nor forsake you.” In times of distress, when you feel all alone remember God is with you. He may not say a word, but He is there. Our God wants to see us prosper. He created us to live for Him and praise His name. God is a perfect father. Matt 7:9-12 says, “Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him?” Notice the scripture here doesn’t end with a question mark but with an exclamation, because this is not a question but a statement of God’s love for His children. Are you one? If you know you are a child of God why do you fear because He is watching over you! Think about it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

“Stop crying and STAND!”

Problems in life are a part of life. I was recently talking to a close friend of mine who had been going through some tough times and I tried to encourage them to keep the faith, fast, pray and just deny themselves, but most of all to trust God in whatever came their way. Shortly after this conversation, I saw a video on FACEBOOK. It was a young child, a boy, who looked to be about seven or eight years old. He was in water; it looked like a lake or deep pond. He was holding on to a rope crying because he feared if he let go of the rope he would drown. In the video I could see adults standing around the child and I of course wondered why they were standing by letting this child cry and fear for his life. A few seconds into the video a woman, apparently his mother stepped in and what happened next made my mouth drop. She did not pick her child up to safety, or comfort him in her arms. She bent down and reaching into the water she pushed his legs down. Immediately you can see the “light bulb go off,” as he realizes all he had to do was stand up, the water was barely above his waistline! When his light bulb went off so did mine, hence this article! How many times are we walking around crying about our situation instead of trusting our all-powerful God and standing on His word? The little boy in the video, like me didn’t understand why the adults around him that he thought he trusted were letting him dangle in the water for his very life. Often times we may not understand why God is allowing us to go through what we are going through; but the scripture is very clear, Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” Verse 6 goes on to say “Acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” That day in the video I believe the little boy learned a few things. 1. His mother would never stand by and watch him drown. 2. He needed to stop focusing so much on his fear. Can we learn something similar from this video and the scripture? God is willing, able and ready to move for us but we have to first BELIEVE and ACKNOWLDEGE. When you spend all day focusing on your problem you are wasting time and spinning your wheels but not getting any results. Stop crying and stand on God’s word for your life! Think about it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"The Power of what you believe!"

The definition for belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty. To believe is defined as to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something; although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. I recently saw a video called Spirit of Python. This is a powerful video with a variety of scriptural teaching for teens based on Acts 16:16 but I recommend everyone see it. One of the inserts in the video was on the effects of marijuana. In the video the speakers talked about the power of this drug that many feel is harmless. He spoke on how if used long term it can alter one’s brain activity substantially, killing brain cells. In the video he also spoke about an experiment that inspired this article. An unnamed college conducted an experiment in which it allowed several select students to smoke pot every day for one month, and every day the students were high. However what the student didn’t know was that at the end of the month, the ingredient that causes the high was removed from the joints, nevertheless the students still functioned as if they were high…why because they believed they were. I have also heard of doctors doing studies where they place patients on prescription drugs for a certain period of time, and do not inform the patient that at some point they are simply taking sugar or water pills that only look like the prescription they are sure is making them feel better. Studies have shown that those patients continued to “feel better,” why…because they believe the medicine they are taking is helping. I said all of that to convey my point that entitles this article; there is great power in what you believe! I find it funny yet saddening that millions believe in the power of the internet, money, self-worth and other things that they can or cannot see; yet the criticize those who believe in God! I am reminded of Thomas in scripture. What a reflection of our world his statement was when he said in John 20, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” When Jesus showed up, true to his word Thomas believed, but Jesus had something to say about that in verse 29, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” I submit to you that, if you can believe all things are possible! Furthermore I submit to you the belief in God Almighty, not some random “higher power,” contains a power that is unlimited and everlasting. Don’t believe me…try it for yourself! Think about it

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Short-Cut Life

I was listening to Christian radio recently and their subject dealt with today’s social media and texting influence on youth. They asked, “What things did you experience as a kid that modern technology keeps today’s kids from?” The standard answer was that some today’s youth can barely read or write properly due to the influence of texting and social media. A high school teacher called in and shared how she often returns papers to her students who can’t write full sentences. Along with texting and spending all day surfing the web for answers to everything from changing the staples in a canon printer, to how to change the motor in a washing machine, (both of which I have done)…what other short cuts are we taking in our lives that we may want to reevaluate? Often times we find it difficult to wait. I know you have heard the saying, “patience is a virtue.” We go through great lengths to do things in a hurry in this, “microwave generation.” We want everything, now and as Staples has trademarked we want the use the “easy” button. But life is not always easy, and it seems that it is only at difficult times that many, “find the time,” to seek God. I believe that there are no short cuts in Christ. God’s grace is sufficient for those who believe, and believing in Him is the first step. In order to gain the guarantee of eternal life there are just some things you cannot side step. It is often easy to just “not” make the changes you know you need to make in order to better your life. Make the decision not to be one who follows the crowd looking for the easy way out. No, the life of a Christian is not hard, the bible tells us in Proverbs 13:15(NKJV) “Good understanding gains favor: but the way of transgressors/the unfaithful is hard.” However there will be challenges and as our world changes and revelation is revealed it will be anything but easy to be a born again believer. Matthew 7:13-14(NKJV) says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Let’s not live the short cut life, let’s follow Christ because in the end the benefits He offers for our earthly and enteral life, are worth much more than we could ever dream of repaying. Think about it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eternal Transformation, Applaud That!

Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you know who Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner is. Just in case let me describe who this is to you briefly. Bruce Jenner is a well decorated former Olympian. He won many accolades in track and field. Of late he is celebrated for his decision to become a woman after over 50 years of living as a man and being married with children more than once. This article is not about Bruce Jenner. I recently saw a post that said “Celebrities you didn’t know were transgendered.” When I clicked on the link I was floored. I was not surprised that there were so many “so called” celebrities who have changed their gender. In fact I didn’t know who many of them were; I was surprised by the transformations themselves. Had I never seen the article if had I met the majority of these people, in person, I would never have known they were born a different gender without being told. Their transformations were so drastic there was no trace of their birth and might I add “God-given” gender. It appeared as if they had never been the opposite sex and it was apparent that they had no desire to ever be their old selves again! So here’s the point to my article. So many around the world are applauding these people for taking it upon themselves to be transformed; why can’t we applaud that kind of change when it comes to becoming an unashamed, unapologetic follower of Christ? Why don’t people get so fed up with their old sins that they make the decision to be transformed in repentance and determined never to be the same again? Bruce Jenner is so applauded for his decision he was even given a courage award in lieu of many which some say are much more deserving than he. Let me make my final point and it is this; from losing weight, to changing jobs…from changing your opinion to changing your gender, the scripture is clear! I won’t mince words, let me just give you scripture. Here is the only transformation that matters when your life ends. Romans 12:2 (NKJV) “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Acts 3:19-21 (NKJV) “ Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.” Think about it!

Friday, August 7, 2015

"Don't let your problems, get you down."

Have you ever heard the saying “tragedies are common place?” In the day and age we are living, catastrophes seem to be happening all around us. From earthquakes and typhoons to police brutality and murder our world is definitely in turmoil. Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t let your problems get you down?” This is the principle I believe we should all practice. I’ll bet you are saying “Gena-Mae, how can you talk about the horrible condition of the world then say, I shouldn’t let my problems get me down?” Let’s consider a story by an unknown author of the Donkey in the Pit. In the fable a donkey has fallen in a deep pit and for day cries bitterly as he cannot escape on his own. The farmer who owned him finds him there and cannot figure out how to pull him to safety, as he is poor and has very few means. Finally deciding that the donkey is old and costly to care for the farmer decides to bury the crying animal right there in the pit. To make the process faster the farmer invites others from the village to bring their shovels and help him bury the donkey. One by one each villager filled their shovels with dirt and tossed it into the pit upon the donkey. At first the poor bewildered animal cries even the more for mercy, but to no avail. Suddenly the villagers realize the donkey has quieted and figure he has suffocated. However to their amazement with every shovel of dirt they pour on the donkey, he had begun to shake it from his back onto the ground beneath him and take a step up. Before long as the process repeats the donkey has shaken hundreds of shovels of dirt from his back, stepping up on them he is soon able to step over the edge of the pit and trot off. I shared all of that to say, no matter what the world around you is doing, it is up to you how your life pans out. You can choose to let the cares of this world bury you or you can decide to step up despite of challenges, past hurts etc. In John 16:33 NKJV Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” In I John 5:5 NKJV the writer says, “Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” This lets us know that nothing can take us out unless we give up and allow it to. As long as we have faith in Christ we can “shake it off and overcome.” Remember the donkey in the pit. Think about it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Faithful Friends

“You are who you hang around!” “Lay with dogs and you will get fleas.” I am sure most of us have heard these sayings. I’ll bet many of us were warned by our parents about being selective when it comes to making friendships. Even scripture tells us to be very wise when it comes to the friends, company and associates we keep. Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV) says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.” When studying Mark chapter two, I really began thinking about the importance of the company we keep. The story begins with Jesus visiting the city of Capernaum. Word quickly got out that Jesus was in a particular house in the city. Needless to say as soon as word spread, “er-body and their mama,” high-tailed it over to see, hear from and touch The Savior! The house filled up and there was standing room only. Verse three tells us how four men came to the house carrying their paralyzed friend on a bed. Let me stop right here for a moment and ask, “How many of us have a friend who will stop and carry us?” I don’t mean just carry you physically…I mean do you have a friend that can and will carry you spiritually? Sometimes we go through things in life and need someone to carry us in prayer, fasting etc. Do you have friends like that; are YOU a friend like that? These friends in Mark went above and beyond just carrying their buddy. In verse four when they realized there was no room in the house, they climbed to the roof, ripped it open and lowered him down to Jesus. NOTE: they were careful friends, we know this because the Bible says they “let him down,” not the dropped him! Are you a careful friend, do you have them? I also want to note that not once do we see the paralyzed friend “asking” his comrades to do any of this for him, this speaks volumes to me. Finally in verse five the Bible says that when Jesus saw “their faith,” meaning the friends He said to the paralyzed, “Your sins are forgiven you.” Now, he was still paralyzed but he had just been given something much better than the ability to walk…eternal life! The story does go on and the paralyzed man ends up leaving with new life, promise of heaven and complete healing. All of this took place because he was smart enough to surround himself with faithful friends. Are you that smart? THINK ABOUT IT!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"What are you made of?"

Hebrews 3:7-8 “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” I recently read a really cute post, it had picture of an egg and a potato sitting in boiling water together. The post read, “The same boiling water that softens a potato, hardens the egg. It’s not about the circumstances, but rather what you are made of.” Now I look at the post in two ways, in one sense it’s good to be hard. In my opinion being hard may connote, being firm or sure of what you want, as well as, what you will and will not do, in that sense I believe it is good. I also think it’s good to deal with tough situations with a certain amount of hardness. In another sense it can also be good to be soft. For example when it comes to your compassion for others and your demeanor in tough times, often softness is needed. It is good to be able to keep you cool or softness when circumstances try to push you otherwise.
With all that is going on in our world today and the amount of injustice we see, we have to know what we are made of and when to proceed with hardness or softness. Regardless though of what the world may be doing, and or what we may see happening around us, there is one thing I know to be sure; God’s love never fails. The one time you do not want to be hard is when it comes to the acceptance of God’s love. Hebrews 3:7-8, advises us that when we hear the voice of the Lord, not to harden our hearts. You may ask; “How will I know if I have heard the voice of the Lord?” Anytime you hear of the goodness of Jesus Christ, (like in this article) you are hearing the voice of the Lord. He wants us all to do as we were created to do and come unto Him, live for Him and worship as well as exalt His name. As a child I would always hear older folk say, “We really need Jesus in these last and evil days.” Well now I know exactly what they meant. When it seems you cannot go to the store without the threat of thievery and death, we are indeed living in the last and evil days. But we cannot allow the evil around us to harden us to the point where we do not live by and show the love of God. Allow the power and grace of Christ to soften your heart, because not only at the end of the day, but at the end of your life don’t you want to know that regardless of what happens your soul has a heavenly enteral resting place? So what are you really made of? Think about it!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Listen...why not fix it!

My pastor, Bishop Barry D. Walker of A Place of Refuge Ministries has been preaching on, hearing. I have always considered myself a good listener. He has been talking about the difference between listening and hearing. He explained to us that hearing is not just listening but it is comprehension with intent to follow through and make the necessary changes. His messages prompted me to reevaluate the way I listen and the way I expect others to listen to and hear me. I mean think about it, we expect our children to listen to us but not just to listen…to hear what we are saying and comply, if they don’t…there will be consequences. Furthermore, I don’t know many people who appreciate speaking to their significant other and being ignored, do you? Well God expects the same! He has given us His Word as instructions for us to listen to and follow through with. He told us exactly what He expects; James 1:22-25 NKJV says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.” How many of you would walk past a mirror and see your hair out of place, crumbs on your face or your shirt miss-buttoned and NOT fix it? (Stop and re-read that scripture above and take a moment to really think about this.) Ok, now if you know that you would not look at yourself in a mirror, see an issue and NOT fix it, then why would you continue living contrary to the way God has planned for you to live? Are you wondering what I mean by that? Let’s check the word again, James 4:17 is clear it says, “When you know to do right and choose to do wrong, you are in sin.” When we listen to our flesh or others that tell us certain things are ok but we know they are not, we are then indeed in sin when we do them. And what is the end result of sin? Romans 6:23 really tells the whole story, it says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” So let’s look in our spiritual mirror, see what’s wrong, LISTEN to the word and, why not fix it? Think about it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Share your Perception!

“Psalms 96:3, Declare His glory among all nations, His wonders among all people.” Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you saw the infamous dress that had the entire world and I mean, literally the entire WORLD talking! If you didn’t just google, “what color is this dress?” Anyway, here’s why I’m talking about this still. The picture of this dress went viral, because some people saw it as gold and white and some saw it as blue and black, but everyone was sharing the picture!
Personally I saw gold and white and no matter what I tried that’s what I saw despite the fact that many of my friends, family and co-workers, including one of my children, saw blue and black! It was baffling…many scientists and doctors tried to explain it but it didn’t matter. All over the world, people looked at this dress and debated on its true colors. Overnight millions of people shared this picture, via email, twitter, Facebook as well as phone texts and that is the amazing part I want to discuss. I wrote in my comments on the dress that I wished the fabric spelled out “Jesus saves,” because it quickly became apparent to me that more eyes were going to set upon this dress than perhaps had heard the good news of Jesus Christ that day. So of course you know it got me to thinking, “What if as many people as shared the picture of this dress, shared with their fellow man the story of Jesus? You may say, “If I share the news of Jesus, many will debate me or not believe me.” Well that’s okay, the debate over the color of that dress made national news, but here’s the best part, it will never be forgotten. The dress made an impression on the world that won’t soon be erased, the same as Jesus. So when you think of our Savior, share you perception with those around you, it will do more good than harm for them to hear the truth. Think about it!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Matthew 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” I recently watched the movie Addicted by Zane and read the book Dopefiend by Donald Goines. Both the movie and the book, depict characters with extreme addictions, one to sex and the other drugs. In the movie, a wife and loving mother of two is so addicted to sex that she cannot control her urges and she ends up in a relationship with her husband and two other men. In the book several characters are so strung out on heroin to the point to where they begin harming themselves and others. These are super extreme cases of addictions but they are all too real. There are many things one can become addicted to. From something as simple a FACEBOOK to harmful things like cigarettes or alcohol; I believe people often take this for granted. Wikipedia defines addiction as a state characterize by compulsive (habitual) engagement (activities) in a rewarding simuli (feeling) despite adverse (dangerous) consequences (results). To be addicted to something means you are convinced you have to have that thing or person even if it or they mean to harm you. Imagine someone being so addicted to something that they would give their life for it. Now imagine each and every Christian being so addicted to spreading the love of Christ that they soon turn their addiction into a spreading epidemic! If we were as addicted to praying about problems as we often are to complaining about them, the world would be brighter and things would be much better in our lives. If we were as addicted to showing love as we often are at searching for criticism there would be much less hate in the world! If you are going to be addicted to anything, like the old song says, “I recommend Jesus!” Please don’t think I’m, “preaching to the choir.” I could stand to step up my daily of doses Jesus, I won’t lie. But consider this, if we spent one half the time we spend on pointless activities that benefit no one, on Jesus how much better our lives and the lives of those around us would be. Think about it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shake it up…make ‘em thirsty!

Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is (you are) thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. I was listening to the radio the other day. A preacher came on the air talking about the effects of salt. He was saying how salt makes us thirsty when consumed. He went on to say that once ingested salt can cause the consumer to seek out water or beverage to quench their thirst. He ended the talk quoting the scripture from Matthew 5:13 and asking a question, that I would like to pose in this article today, “Are you making those around you thirst?” If we are, as the scripture says, the “salt of the earth” are we doing as we what we are supposed to be doing? Salt causes thirst. But salt in a shaker is no good until it is put to use. How are we supposed to salt the earth? Well, as Christians we are to share the good news of God’s word. The scripture tells us in Isaiah 11:55 “So will My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: It will not return to Me void, but it will accomplish that which I please, and it will prosper in the thing where I sent it.” Simply put if you sprinkle out the word, change will take place. But how can the world be flavored if we “the salt,” refuse to “shake it up?” We have to be willing to share the word with as many people as we can without fear. The last thing we should want is to become flavorless or useless salt…right? If you are truly salt (and I am talking to myself as well) when was the last time you witnessed or testified and fed a hungry soul or caused one to become thirsty? When shared, the word will surly leave them waiting more so, go ahead, SHAKE IT UP…Make ‘em thirsty! Think about it! Visit & join my website: Like my Facebook pages Gena-Mae Productions & Between Love & A Hard Place

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Storm “Ceaser”!

Mark 4:39 “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
I recently saw a viral video of a small village in a foreign country. In the video you can see that there is a tornado spinning and heading right towards a small church. As the worshipers notice the storm headed their way they begin to cry out, “Jesus!” Over and over again you can hear the church members call out to Jesus to keep the storm away from their church, which looks as if it could be knocked over by just a mild wind. Amazingly in the video you can see the tornado shift, turn and then go the opposite way. Of course once the storm is gone you can hear the church members rejoice. This is a true story. I saw the video and it doesn’t look doctored to me. Now, this reminds me of the story in the book of Mark. Jesus and his disciples had been traveling all day. Jesus boarded a ship and his disciples followed. Not long after getting on the boat Jesus, probably tired from his day of teaching, lies down and takes a nap. The Bible goes on to tell us that, shortly after Jesus falls asleep a great storm arises on the sea and water begins to overtake the boat. The disciples, frightened, awake Jesus and cry out to Him to save them from the storm. Jesus simply speaks “Peace be still,” and not only does the storm cease but the scripture says, there was a great calm. I imagine that birds stopped chirping and the disciples fell silent, in awe. So now we have a modern and biblical example of how Jesus Christ…His name alone and, His words, cause storms to cease. The disciples knew who to call on just like the church members in the village. But what would have happened if the villagers had been calling on Jesus yet in their hearts they doubted that the storm would actually cease? I believe they may have had to duck and run. But they didn’t because they called on Him in faith, and of course He answered! When life brings storms, and it will….do you call on Jesus in faith? When we call on Him we must believe that He is a storm “ceaser!” I guarantee He won’t disappoint you. Think about it!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Change for New Year of Success!

Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the ax is full, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength but wisdom brings success. I don’t make resolutions but each year there are things, as I reflect, that I want to do better in the New Year. Many make resolutions and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. However, I often wonder if those of us who make resolutions or set New Year goals really mean them or if we are just grinding with a dull axe… Be honest, how many times have you set a goal, even something as simple as weight loss, and not been able to keep up with the adjustments long enough to get results. How many times have you planned to follow a budget, spending or savings plan and ended up deeper in debt? In Ecclesiastes chapter ten there are several life lessons, however as I read the chapter verse ten stuck out to me. What I see when I read the verse is… stop wasting time, doing the same old same old; make the necessary changes needed in your life in order to be successful. How much wood do you think a ranger can chop with a dull ax? Yes he might get wood chopped, but it will take much less time if he would stop and get a new ax or sharpen the one he is using. In the same regard if we make needed changes in our everyday life we will in turn be more successful. For example if you are in a dull relationship that only brings hardship and pain, make some changes even if it means cutting that person off completely in order to see better in your life. If your career is not where you desire for it to be, I’m not going to say quit your job if you have one, but I will say make changes needed if you want to see better. Take up a class, learn a new trade, stop talking about needing a better job and look for one! The scripture is clear wisdom bring success, furthermore Eccl. 10:15 says in part, “The labor of fools wearies them…” Don’t be foolish in 2015; make the changes needed in your life for success. Trust and serve Christ with you all and allow Him to lead and guide you. Think about it!