The state of our young people today, especially young men, seems to be in utter chaos. It concerns me and I’m sure it concerns other adults as well, to see so many of our youth going astray more and more each day. As I look around our schools, communities and even our churches I wonder, “Where have the upstanding “Daniels” of our time gone?” In my recent studies I read up on Daniel in the Bible in the book of Daniel and discovered some very interesting traits that young men and women could stand to adhere to.
Daniel’s name means “God is my judge.” Wouldn’t it be fabulous if our youth, and adults for that matter, lived by this name’s meaning? By that I mean, living each and every day concerned with what God thinks of our actions more so than what our fellow man feels and thinks. If we can convince our young people to speak, walk and talk with regard to “what Jesus would do,” the world would be a much better place. This would eliminate their need for acceptance from peers in order to make good decisions. It would also cancel their reservations about being themselves in Christ, for fear of what others around them will say or think.
Daniel chapter one verses three through seven tells us how the king of Judah began searching for men to serve him. He sought out young men that he could train to do as he pleased. He wanted young men who where good looking, very smart and who were fast learners. I believe this is still true today. “Kings” or leaders from the entertainment world to the world of business are looking for sharp, well versed young people to serve in their fields.
This is not always a bad thing. Unless, like the king, these leaders desire young people to become so committed to them that they aren’t allowed or aren’t able to serve our one true King. How many driven college graduates do you think have entered the work force and become so consumed with “making it” that they have forgotten, about God? It was Him who allowed them the knowledge they needed to graduate and get their job!
In verse five it highlights the king’s plans for Daniel and his friends. They were offered the king’s delicacies, school, plus room and board for three years free of cost. A delicacy is a fine tasting food. Now, we all like to eat good food and I’m sure Daniel and his buddies did as well. I wonder what youth would do today if they were offered things of this caliber. Daniel knew what the king had planned for him was not in God’s plan. My prayer is that young men and women would stop and take the time to seek God. We all need to find out what He wants for our lives and follow His plan, no matter what offers come our way. That is exactly what Daniel did.
In verses eight through eighteen the story goes on to tell us how Daniel politely asked those in charge to allow him to change the diet the king had set for him. He wanted to eat a vegetarian diet instead. Let me repeat that, POLITELY, I don’t think I really need to elaborate but I will anyway. Where has this trait gone? The days of “yes ma’am and yes sir” seem to be none existent. The Bible speaks of the power of words in Proverbs 18:21. When I hear a young person speak politely and respectfully it gives me hope that somewhere someone is still training teens to hold adults in high regard.
Once Daniel made his request he then had to do what everyone has to do “prove himself.” He assured the eunuchs that he and his friends would be healthier than those eating the King’s meat. The eunuchs had their doubts that what he said was possible, but Daniel stood firm. How can we get young people today to stand up against stereotypes like Daniel did back then? Just because someone “expects” you to fail doesn’t mean you have to prove them right. Prove yourself, trust God and show them you can and will do and be better! Daniel had so much faith in God that he stepped out on that faith despite the dire consequences he could have faced.
In the end of course God came through for Daniel, and blessed him and his friends with more knowledge, health and strength than any of the king’s other young men. Daniel stood firm on his belief and allowed God to elevate him. So, are there any “Daniels” out there? Are there any young people whether male or female who are willing to stand for Christ? Who are willing to be different and set apart for God to use? To be leaders like Daniel, when the trend is to wear sagging pants and provocative clothing to get attention? Are there any Daniels in our society today who know who they are in Christ and aren’t ashamed to let it show? I know a few, are you one? Think about it!
Published in “On the Rocks Arrest” And SoulFusion Magazine April 2012 Issue
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ReplyDelete"Wow! This is great. Always told my son to read this book--and HE DID! I'm sharing this article with him."