Mr. Bentley, Mrs. Gucci, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Armani…they are all very wealthy. However they are not wealthy only because the products that they manufacture are expensive. They are wealthy because the products that they manufacture are purchased by mass numbers of people who don’t care that these products are expensive. These items are by no means items that one must have to survive, yet many purchase them without second thought of the price.
Have you ever seen someone walking with a fancy Android phone, dressed to the “nines,” and “blinged” out in expensive jewelry, only to end their journey at the “bus stop?” It makes you wonder if that individual has their priorities in the right place doesn’t it? Why are they giving so much to make sure they look great and have a cell phone but no car? At a youth rally recently I heard someone say, “Don’t stand by shaking your head when you see “little Johnny” at your child’s school in run-over shoes, wondering what’s wrong with his mother, be a giver and bring “little Johnny” a pair of shoes the first opportunity you get.” They went on to say “Do this even if Johnny or anyone else never finds out it was you who did the giving.”
We have all type of givers in the world. There are those who give because they have a heart for people, see needs, and want to be a help. Then there are those who give out of routine, sheer obligation, or selfish reasons. Some just want to be recognized or praised for their giving. When I talk about giving I’m not just referring to monetary giving. There are people who give of their talents or knowledge and they won’t let you forget. Some won’t even give you a chance to say thank you before they remind you of all they have done for you.
Luke 21:1-4 tells the story of two distinct types of givers. Jesus watched as people came to the treasury giving their gifts. He saw a poor widow woman giving two mites. Mites according to research were 1/128th of a denarius which was a day's pay for a common laborer and not worth very much. He also saw the rich putting their gifts in. After watching the givers Jesus is recorded having said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all, for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” (NKJV) Though she had given little in the sight of men, the widow was a great giver because she gave for the right reasons. She wasn’t giving like the rich, just so people could pat her on the back. She was giving because she knew it was right and I believe she knew she would be rewarded. For God’s word tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive but that those who give with a cheerful heart God loves them and He will repay. Who can reward you better then God?
Step back and think, when was the last time you evaluated your giving? Are you giving your time, talent, and money to help others? Is your heart in your giving? What do you have to give others? Not only that, what do you have to give to God? Think about it.
Published in "On the Rocks Arrest" 3/27/12
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