Monday, March 26, 2012

What do you have to give Part 2: “Just a lil’ bit?” (The woman & The mite)

Mr. Bentley, Mrs. Gucci, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Armani…they are all very wealthy. However they are not wealthy only because the products that they manufacture are expensive. They are wealthy because the products that they manufacture are purchased by mass numbers of people who don’t care that these products are expensive. These items are by no means items that one must have to survive, yet many purchase them without second thought of the price.
Have you ever seen someone walking with a fancy Android phone, dressed to the “nines,” and “blinged” out in expensive jewelry, only to end their journey at the “bus stop?” It makes you wonder if that individual has their priorities in the right place doesn’t it? Why are they giving so much to make sure they look great and have a cell phone but no car? At a youth rally recently I heard someone say, “Don’t stand by shaking your head when you see “little Johnny” at your child’s school in run-over shoes, wondering what’s wrong with his mother, be a giver and bring “little Johnny” a pair of shoes the first opportunity you get.” They went on to say “Do this even if Johnny or anyone else never finds out it was you who did the giving.”
We have all type of givers in the world. There are those who give because they have a heart for people, see needs, and want to be a help. Then there are those who give out of routine, sheer obligation, or selfish reasons. Some just want to be recognized or praised for their giving. When I talk about giving I’m not just referring to monetary giving. There are people who give of their talents or knowledge and they won’t let you forget. Some won’t even give you a chance to say thank you before they remind you of all they have done for you.
Luke 21:1-4 tells the story of two distinct types of givers. Jesus watched as people came to the treasury giving their gifts. He saw a poor widow woman giving two mites. Mites according to research were 1/128th of a denarius which was a day's pay for a common laborer and not worth very much. He also saw the rich putting their gifts in. After watching the givers Jesus is recorded having said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all, for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” (NKJV) Though she had given little in the sight of men, the widow was a great giver because she gave for the right reasons. She wasn’t giving like the rich, just so people could pat her on the back. She was giving because she knew it was right and I believe she knew she would be rewarded. For God’s word tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive but that those who give with a cheerful heart God loves them and He will repay. Who can reward you better then God?
Step back and think, when was the last time you evaluated your giving? Are you giving your time, talent, and money to help others? Is your heart in your giving? What do you have to give others? Not only that, what do you have to give to God? Think about it.

Published in "On the Rocks Arrest" 3/27/12

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"What do you have to give?" The Rich young Ruler

When was the last time someone asked you to do something for them and you said “no” because you simply did not have time? Maybe you said no because you didn’t feel that you had the ability or the resources. Stop and think about what kind of giver you are. In our “microwave” society it seems we just don’t have or don’t take the time to give. We seem to be too caught up in “getting” to give. Some are trying so hard to get money or fame that they rarely take the time out to give. I’m not talking about the loose change you give at the gas station for the next customer who is short a penny, or the dollar bills you drop in the red pail during the holidays. I’m not even talking about the five dollars a month many send to feed the children or to the Make a Wish Foundation.
Those are all excellent ways to give, and I commend anyone who gives back in any manner. But what I’m focused on is the giving of oneself. I pay my tithes and work in ministry but recently I was singing a song by Eumika Body-Griffin called “All of Me” and it made me think. I was singing and thinking do I really give the Lord all of me? Matthew 19:16-22 tells the story of a rich young ruler who desired eternal life. He approached Jesus and asked, “What good thing must I do that I may have eternal life.” Jesus answered by giving him a list of commandments to follow. To which the young man replied in (so many words) “been there done that.” So Jesus challenged him, by saying “If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.”
At that point the conversation was over. The young ruler didn’t even respond verbally. We all know that actions speak louder than words. I’m sure there were many thoughts that crossed that young rulers mind as he walked away like “Is this dude crazy?” Scripture says he simply turned and walked away from Jesus in sorrow for he had great possessions. Doesn’t that happen today? Wealthy people are often sorrowful despite what they have, especially (in my opinion) when they don’t have Jesus. The old saying is true “Money cannot buy happiness.” Can you imagine someone challenging a wealthy young “ruler” like Justin Bieber, to give away everything! From gifts he has received to the expensive items he has been able to purchase.
What would you do if someone told you that all you had to do to live forever was to give away all you owned to the poor? Isn’t that still what Jesus wants? He knows we need things including money to sustain us though He does expect us to give tangible things. I believe what He wants from us most of all is…us. Luke 10:27 says “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.” How can you love anyone like this without giving them your all? If you have ever been in love before, you know it takes energy to love someone fully. And if you do love them fully, you also know that in order for them to know that you love them, you have to give to them. You give them time, gifts, and words of expression among other things.
So why not give to a God who has done so much for you? Why not give Him your heart, mind, soul and strength as well as your time, talents, prayers and faith? Don’t be like the rich young ruler; step up to the plate and be a true giver. Give Christ all of you. Think about it.

Published in "On the Rocks Arrest"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flaws AND All!

Plastic surgery, mega diets, make-over shows - you name it, it’s out there. So many in our society go to great lengths to cover up or eliminate their physical flaws. Psychiatrists are becoming very wealthy as a result of people’s desires to fix their mental and emotional flaws. How many relationships do you think have ended due to one person being unable to deal with the flaws of the other? How many have foolishly chosen to end their own life because they no longer wanted to deal with their own flaws?
So many long to be loved and accepted by their fellowman that they go through a lot to gain that love and acceptance. They give themselves sexually; become a bully or even murder just to be loved and recognized by another or to love themselves. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that which has been, is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Even in the beginning, there were many who struggled with their flaws, whether they were self inflicted, inherited, or forced on them.
In John Chapter 8 Jesus was on the Mount of Olives teaching when in verse 3 we see that the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him “teacher this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.” I wonder where she was committing adultery for scribes and Pharisees to “catch” her. In John 8:5-6 they continued, “Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?” This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger as though He didn’t not hear them. At the start of this passage you might think, they were trying to expose her but actually they were using her and her sins as bait, looking for flaws in Jesus!
John 8:7 says “so when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Jesus knew those accusing the woman were not as perfect as they were pretending to be. But instead of calling them out He gave them the opportunity to expose themselves. Luke 6:42 says, “or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother’s eye.” How can we even attempt to help others when we are not in the place we need to be in God? Why update your FACEBOOK status with scriptures you don’t use? Take the time to read and live them and then post them. The best help you can offer anyone is to first be an example; the scripture makes that very clear.
John 8:9 says, “those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst.” Once those flaw-searching accusers stopped to consider themselves, they discovered their own flaws and decided to leave the woman alone to deal with her flaws.
Verse 10 states “When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her “Woman where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.”
Even though He knew she had sinned, Jesus knew how to speak to the woman with love and compassion. His words were stern but he allowed her to make the right decision for herself. He did not try to force her to live right, like those in the crowd had. He does us the same way today. Despite our flaws He is forever giving us His love. He already gave His life for us. Now all we have to do is give Him our heart; flaws and all. And allow Him to transform us into the children of God, He meant for us to be. Think about it.
Published in "On the Rocks Arrest" 3/13/12 And SoulFusion Magazine May 2012 Issue

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Losing Weight

I have seen people try everything from surgery to body wraps all in an effort to get thin. It makes me wonder, if society is so eager to put off physical weight, why aren’t we just as fervent when it comes to getting rid of spiritual weights?
A weight is defined as the quality of heaviness, a burden, pressure, to oppress or make heavy. It is also something that is hard to lift, hard to do or hard to bear.
Hebrews 12:1 says “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” I noticed here that the scripture separates weights from sins. So I thought, does that mean that a weight doesn’t necessarily have to be a sin? What type things cause heaviness in our lives? Those things we may do, say, or hold onto that keep us from living the best “God-kind” of life.
It may not be a sin to only eat nothing chocolate cake everyday at lunch for an entire year, but sooner or later you will begin to see the results of this habit and heaviness will set in. The scripture says weights and sins, easily ensnare us. This says to me that, there can be times we are trapped in a situation before we even realize what has happened.
I remember becoming friends with a certain person years ago. I felt we had so much in common, and that they were really cool. I trusted them, to a fault, and began hanging tight with them. Soon lunches turned into car rides, turned into dinners, turned into skipping work, church and other obligations to “hang” with my “friend.” And before I knew it I was totally ensnared.
My innocent fun had become a weight and then turned into outright sin. You see at first it wasn’t sin, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, initially. But the scripture says in Galatians 5:9 (NKJV)A little leaven, leaven’s the whole lump.”
Leaven is an agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation. And fermentation means to spoil, rot or die, isn’t it clear that little things, things that seem “okay” can blow up into situations that can kill our spiritual lives.
I remember the day I sat down to write a play, and I couldn’t. My weights had turned into sins and the anointing was gone. I recalled Galatians 5:7-8 (NKJV) which says “You did run well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? Vs 8 this persuasion does not come from Him who calls you.”
I knew who had hindered me, me. It was time for me to lose weight. Now I’m no diet expert but I know what it takes to lose weight, especially spiritually. First, I “ran” straight to the alter and “squatted” down on my knees in the prayer of repentance! Next, I had to change the way I “ate.” It was time out for “fast food”, meaning five minutes prayers and reading half a scripture a day wasn’t enough. I needed “sit down, well prepared meals,” where I could take time repairing my relationship with the Lord. Finally I had to continue “exercising” my faith and “walking it out” by living according to the Word.
I’m not perfect by any means but I am striving to do God’s will and live a Godly lifestyle. Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV) “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. This introduces us to our personal trainer. Jesus, He can help you start and finish your work out on this treadmill of life. He has already carried all the weights and sins imaginable, so why are we trying to do over, what He already did perfectly? Don’t allow others or even yourself to become weights in your walk with Christ. Eat the Word that comes forth from your man of God at your local church. Snack on the scriptures regularly. And the next time you feel heavy, bench press those spiritual weights and sins right out of your way. THINK ABOUT IT!

Published in "On the Rocks Arrest" & Soul Fusion Online Christian Magazine

Friday, March 2, 2012


The state of our young people today, especially young men, seems to be in utter chaos. It concerns me and I’m sure it concerns other adults as well, to see so many of our youth going astray more and more each day. As I look around our schools, communities and even our churches I wonder, “Where have the upstanding “Daniels” of our time gone?” In my recent studies I read up on Daniel in the Bible in the book of Daniel and discovered some very interesting traits that young men and women could stand to adhere to.
Daniel’s name means “God is my judge.” Wouldn’t it be fabulous if our youth, and adults for that matter, lived by this name’s meaning? By that I mean, living each and every day concerned with what God thinks of our actions more so than what our fellow man feels and thinks. If we can convince our young people to speak, walk and talk with regard to “what Jesus would do,” the world would be a much better place. This would eliminate their need for acceptance from peers in order to make good decisions. It would also cancel their reservations about being themselves in Christ, for fear of what others around them will say or think.
Daniel chapter one verses three through seven tells us how the king of Judah began searching for men to serve him. He sought out young men that he could train to do as he pleased. He wanted young men who where good looking, very smart and who were fast learners. I believe this is still true today. “Kings” or leaders from the entertainment world to the world of business are looking for sharp, well versed young people to serve in their fields.
This is not always a bad thing. Unless, like the king, these leaders desire young people to become so committed to them that they aren’t allowed or aren’t able to serve our one true King. How many driven college graduates do you think have entered the work force and become so consumed with “making it” that they have forgotten, about God? It was Him who allowed them the knowledge they needed to graduate and get their job!
In verse five it highlights the king’s plans for Daniel and his friends. They were offered the king’s delicacies, school, plus room and board for three years free of cost. A delicacy is a fine tasting food. Now, we all like to eat good food and I’m sure Daniel and his buddies did as well. I wonder what youth would do today if they were offered things of this caliber. Daniel knew what the king had planned for him was not in God’s plan. My prayer is that young men and women would stop and take the time to seek God. We all need to find out what He wants for our lives and follow His plan, no matter what offers come our way. That is exactly what Daniel did.
In verses eight through eighteen the story goes on to tell us how Daniel politely asked those in charge to allow him to change the diet the king had set for him. He wanted to eat a vegetarian diet instead. Let me repeat that, POLITELY, I don’t think I really need to elaborate but I will anyway. Where has this trait gone? The days of “yes ma’am and yes sir” seem to be none existent. The Bible speaks of the power of words in Proverbs 18:21. When I hear a young person speak politely and respectfully it gives me hope that somewhere someone is still training teens to hold adults in high regard.
Once Daniel made his request he then had to do what everyone has to do “prove himself.” He assured the eunuchs that he and his friends would be healthier than those eating the King’s meat. The eunuchs had their doubts that what he said was possible, but Daniel stood firm. How can we get young people today to stand up against stereotypes like Daniel did back then? Just because someone “expects” you to fail doesn’t mean you have to prove them right. Prove yourself, trust God and show them you can and will do and be better! Daniel had so much faith in God that he stepped out on that faith despite the dire consequences he could have faced.
In the end of course God came through for Daniel, and blessed him and his friends with more knowledge, health and strength than any of the king’s other young men. Daniel stood firm on his belief and allowed God to elevate him. So, are there any “Daniels” out there? Are there any young people whether male or female who are willing to stand for Christ? Who are willing to be different and set apart for God to use? To be leaders like Daniel, when the trend is to wear sagging pants and provocative clothing to get attention? Are there any Daniels in our society today who know who they are in Christ and aren’t ashamed to let it show? I know a few, are you one? Think about it!

Published in “On the Rocks Arrest” And SoulFusion Magazine April 2012 Issue