How often do we walk back through the house to double check the locks? When we are the “chef” we add just one more pinch of salt to those collard greens or asparagus so they will taste just right. On rainy mornings we’ll hit snooze one more time so we can enjoy the sound of rain dancing on the roof top and gliding down our window pane. We go in the baby’s room four times a night to make sure he or she is covered up properly in the crib, and the list goes on.
These are just a few things we do in life for comfort’s sake because we have to know all the doors are locked or that the food will be just right. That’s our natural instinct as humans because there is a comfort in “knowing.” With so much tragedy and chaos going on in the world we long for moments of comfort. Webster’s definition of comfort is: relief, to strengthen, aide.
People are looking everywhere for comfort or so it seems. Some find their solace in food to the point of obesity and gluten. Some search for and feel their peace lies in drugs. They long for their addictions to alter their mind. So much so, that all the lines of reality are blurred. The only thing that remains is a world of extreme highs and unbearable lows, leaving them scared and empty inside. While in between their highs, they are hurting their friends and loved ones. Others may find their relief in their spouse or companion. This dependency can cause problems for the “relief bearer;” it can become difficult to be someone’s source of comfort. Human shoulders can only bare so much.
Some are so tormented with the cares of life that their hearts aren’t comforted by anything. Instead they wallow in self pity and depression. Psalms 94:19 (NKJV) says, “in the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight in my soul.” This is clearly telling us not to allow any amount of trouble to keep us bound. Psalms 119:50 says, “This is my comfort in my afflictions, for your word has given me life.” We don’t have to search for life or comfort. God’s holy word declares He has already given them to us.
Psalms 119:52 says, “I remembered your judgments of old, O Lord and have comforted myself.” Many may know the song that says, “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself!” Reflect back on God’s word and call to remembrance the wonderful days He has allowed you to see. The unexpected blessing He has bestowed upon you and then use those memories to encourage yourself. Use them to fight back against the devil and his demons when they speak to you, telling you that you’ll never amount to anything. Remember Jesus died for our sins. Don’t let the word slip when your flesh and others try to hold your past mistakes against you. Hide God’s word in your heart and know that it is true.
You use your house key to lock your home when you leave; you do so with a “knowing” that your home is secure. Just like cooking your best dish and placing it on the table with pride, you have a “knowing” that the dish will impress. How much more of a knowing should we have in the power of God’s word? How much more of a knowing should we have in God’s undeniable ability to take our messes and turn them into blessings? So next time you feel low, grab a hold of God’s unchanging, unfailing word and take comfort in “knowing.” THINK ABOUT IT.
Published in “On the Rocks Arrest”
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