Tuesday, August 18, 2015
The Short-Cut Life
I was listening to Christian radio recently and their subject dealt with today’s social media and texting influence on youth. They asked, “What things did you experience as a kid that modern technology keeps today’s kids from?” The standard answer was that some today’s youth can barely read or write properly due to the influence of texting and social media. A high school teacher called in and shared how she often returns papers to her students who can’t write full sentences.
Along with texting and spending all day surfing the web for answers to everything from changing the staples in a canon printer, to how to change the motor in a washing machine, (both of which I have done)…what other short cuts are we taking in our lives that we may want to reevaluate?
Often times we find it difficult to wait. I know you have heard the saying, “patience is a virtue.” We go through great lengths to do things in a hurry in this, “microwave generation.” We want everything, now and as Staples has trademarked we want the use the “easy” button. But life is not always easy, and it seems that it is only at difficult times that many, “find the time,” to seek God.
I believe that there are no short cuts in Christ. God’s grace is sufficient for those who believe, and believing in Him is the first step. In order to gain the guarantee of eternal life there are just some things you cannot side step. It is often easy to just “not” make the changes you know you need to make in order to better your life. Make the decision not to be one who follows the crowd looking for the easy way out. No, the life of a Christian is not hard, the bible tells us in Proverbs 13:15(NKJV) “Good understanding gains favor: but the way of transgressors/the unfaithful is hard.” However there will be challenges and as our world changes and revelation is revealed it will be anything but easy to be a born again believer. Matthew 7:13-14(NKJV) says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
Let’s not live the short cut life, let’s follow Christ because in the end the benefits He offers for our earthly and enteral life, are worth much more than we could ever dream of repaying.
Think about it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Eternal Transformation, Applaud That!

Friday, August 7, 2015
"Don't let your problems, get you down."
Have you ever heard the saying “tragedies are common place?” In the day and age we are living, catastrophes seem to be happening all around us. From earthquakes and typhoons to police brutality and murder our world is definitely in turmoil.
Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t let your problems get you down?” This is the principle I believe we should all practice. I’ll bet you are saying “Gena-Mae, how can you talk about the horrible condition of the world then say, I shouldn’t let my problems get me down?”
Let’s consider a story by an unknown author of the Donkey in the Pit. In the fable a donkey has fallen in a deep pit and for day cries bitterly as he cannot escape on his own. The farmer who owned him finds him there and cannot figure out how to pull him to safety, as he is poor and has very few means. Finally deciding that the donkey is old and costly to care for the farmer decides to bury the crying animal right there in the pit.
To make the process faster the farmer invites others from the village to bring their shovels and help him bury the donkey. One by one each villager filled their shovels with dirt and tossed it into the pit upon the donkey. At first the poor bewildered animal cries even the more for mercy, but to no avail.
Suddenly the villagers realize the donkey has quieted and figure he has suffocated. However to their amazement with every shovel of dirt they pour on the donkey, he had begun to shake it from his back onto the ground beneath him and take a step up. Before long as the process repeats the donkey has shaken hundreds of shovels of dirt from his back, stepping up on them he is soon able to step over the edge of the pit and trot off.
I shared all of that to say, no matter what the world around you is doing, it is up to you how your life pans out. You can choose to let the cares of this world bury you or you can decide to step up despite of challenges, past hurts etc. In John 16:33 NKJV Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” In I John 5:5 NKJV the writer says, “Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”
This lets us know that nothing can take us out unless we give up and allow it to. As long as we have faith in Christ we can “shake it off and overcome.” Remember the donkey in the pit.
Think about it.
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