Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Poem for Graduates

“Soar” By Regina D. Wells
You have your wings now graduate, so soar
Determination and education knocked, your faith and steadfastness will open the door
Fate will be a factor
But don’t let the fear of it over take your mind.
Step out, stand up and be counted
Move forward always
Never linger on what’s behind
Today your accomplishments are recognized, pride is on the faces before you
Take every opportunity that comes, never stop learning something new.
Your willingness to learn has helped you grow
Now allow experience to teach you things you thought you’d never know.  
Whenever trying times try you…
Don’t stop trying
Remember to keep pushing
Never give up striving
You have your wings now graduate, so soar
You’ve made it through high school now your future awaits
For you there is so much in store. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Forgiveness like a child!

This summer I went on a much-needed family outing to White Water in Atlanta, Georgia. On the way inside the park my baby girl and her favorite cousin were walking side by side, leading the way as if they had the money for entry. We followed closely behind them as they headed through the parking lot towards the gate. Half way to our destination, my daughter wanted to hold hands with her cousin; however, her cousin didn’t desire to do the same.
The rejection upset my little one, and she immediately replied, “Then I’m not your friend anymore!” She crossed her little-three-year old arms, stuck out her lip, and pouted. As soon as she made her statement, her cousin spoke up, “Then I’m not your friend!” I watched and giggled at the two. My older sister walked up and saw both girls pouting with arms folded and feet stomping. She asked me what was wrong with them and I told her what had happened.
She quickly pulled both girls aside and said, “Hey, don’t do that. You guys are friends. Now apologize and hug.” The girls did as instructed and just like that, as if my sister were Houdini, everything was all good. The pair quickly hugged and grabbed hands; then, I kid you not, they started singing. I shook my head and laughed out loud.
I’m sharing the story because it made me think about the power of forgiveness and how important it is to forgive quickly. What a wonderful world it would be if adults forgave each other as fast as these two children.  Too often adults hold grudges over past hurt. I know individuals right now who haven’t spoken to family members for years because they refuse to forgive them for past indiscretions.    I think many may be forgetting that harboring ill feelings in your heart because you have not forgiven someone is very dangerous to your spiritual well being and can hinder your prayers.  Mark 11:25 says, “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”  
Matthew 6:14-15 says, “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” And Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” None of these scriptures gives us a time frame for forgiveness. However, we should live each day like it is our last because we never know when the Lord will return or require our souls. 
Think about it!


I enjoy watching real life TV and documentaries. Recently I watched a show that I watch quite often called “Taboo.” This particular episode was entitled “UGLY.” During the show they interviewed a young boy named “Michael” and his family. “Michael” had been born with a face disfiguring disease. He was born without ears and had so few bones in his face that his eye sockets weren’t in the right place.
Over the years “Michael” has had so many surgeries to fix his face that his parents finally decided that enough was enough. They agreed that he would only have surgery to improve the quality of his life, but that he would no longer have surgeries solely to correct his appearance.
They enrolled him in school and began raising him alongside their “normal” looking son. As parents they realized and accepted that “Michael” would never look “normal in the eyes of anyone except them. They shared their struggles of how “Michael” endures daily stares, laughs and ridicule everywhere he goes. He’s called a monster, freak, scary…you name it.
Their story made me think.
So many place emphases on looks, that often times they forget the ugliness that lies inside the hearts of millions. It is easy to see someone that you consider “ugly” and write them off or turn away from them because of their appearance.
But, have you ever met someone who was beautiful or handsome on the outside then once you got to know them you realized they were hideous on the inside? Consider the story of David in I Samuel. Based on his outer appearance David was almost over looked by his own father for a job God intended for him to do.
Eliab, David’s brother was recommended for David’s job totally based on his looks. I Samuel 16:7 says “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or physical statue, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
So the next time you see someone you consider “ugly”, check your heart. Are they really “ugly” or is that ugliness inside you?
Think about it.

Don't Be Late!

For much of our lives, we make appointments for different reasons. There are dentist appointments, eye appointments, interviews, and the list goes on. Most of us consider appointment times important. We do what we can to adhere to the time requirements and show up promptly. Often times there are grave consequences to missing an appointment or even for showing up late. You may be required to reschedule or you may miss an opportunity all together if you don’t take your appointment time seriously.

Of all the appointments we may have to make throughout our life time, there is one appointment that cannot be scheduled and that is unavoidable. Hebrews 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” This lets us know that of all the appointments we prepare for, the one we really need to be prepared for is a “biggie.”

When we prepare for an appointment, we usually make needed arrangements. For instance we will check the time, find out where we are going, and maybe even get directions. The arrangements for our eternal appointment should be simple. Check the time; since we do not know when our soul will be required, make a note “there’s no time like the present!” Find out where you are going; get in God’s word and make sure your Christian walk lines up with what He has instructed. Get directions; find a good church home where you can be taught how to live your life in such a way that when your time comes you’re guaranteed to be ready!

Our choir sings a song by Coko called “May be My Last Time.” In the song she simply says “This may be my last time, I don’t know.” I believe we should live our lives every day like it’s our last. That way we’ll be mindful to remain prepared, prayed up and following directions in order to make it “in” when we are called “home.”  If we do this even though we don’t have a set time for our eternal appointment, we won’t be late!

Think about it.