If you are currently living on planet Earth, you know that on Aug. 21st, 2017, there was a total solar eclipse viewed by millions. In anticipation of this eclipse I, like many others, searched for solar eclipse glasses in order to be able to view the eclipse safely, we didn’t want to be left out. On social media, on TV and face to face, people were talking about, sharing the news of, and preparing for the eclipse.
People hosted eclipse parties, they gathered together and on August 21, 2017 millions of people; women, men, boys and girls, of all ages, and races…from every financial background, from the city and from the hood, those who believe in God and those who don’t...stopped and looked to the sky. Pretty cool! But that is not my focus. What got me thinking was how so many didn’t hesitate to #1. Believe that the solar eclipse was real and really coming. And #2. They prepared for it!
Millions of people made sure their family members had the necessary “equipment,” (glasses), needed for this once in a lifetime event. They also made sure to share important informational regarding the eclipse and finally no one minded sharing with others this day! I even shared my glasses with two friends and one stranger on the side of the highway! That being said, what if as many as waited, believed in, and prepared for the eclipse went to the same lengths when it comes to preparing for eternity?
Though some were quoted as saying they, “couldn’t careless” about this amazing event, the vast majority was excited and more importantly prepared! My next question is, “how many of us are just as prepared for the coming of Jesus?” Are we all taking the proper steps with the same urgency to prepare our souls for an even more inevitable day than August 21st, 2017?
Luke 12:40 says, “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man (Jesus) is coming at an hour you do not expect.” So evaluate yourself right now, were you prepared for the eclipse? Are you equally as prepared for the coming of Christ? Be Ready! Think about it!