Thursday, November 2, 2017
You'll never know...until you go.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Let the Dead thing go!
Not long ago, during some at home time with my family, we watched a cartoon call Frankenweenie. This is a story about a young boy, named Victor, who wanted to be a scientist, so he spent all his time in his laboratory with his best friend, his dog Sparkie. The climax of the movie happens when one day after being encouraged to try something new by his father, the young boy goes to play baseball with some neighborhood kids.
Since Sparkie is so used to playing fetch, when Victor hits the ball into the street Sparkie runs after it and is hit by a car…he doesn’t survive. At this point Victor becomes very sad and eventually sets out to bring Sparkie back to life, and finally he does!
Here is where I became inspired to write this article.
See once Sparkie dies instead of moving on with his life Victor, becomes obsessed with bringing Sparkie back. Once he does bring him back he never notices the Sparkie was not the same, he was actually meant to die when he did.
Victor goes though a lot of trouble creating the machine that brings Sparkie back, he then has to hide Sparkie the risen dog because he knows people will not understand or accept what he has done; but he doesn’t care. It is more important to him to hold on to the dead dog than to go on with his life.
Do you know anyone like this?
Are you like Victor…holding on to a dead thing, refusing to let go even though you should?
For instance a dead relationship, that you know wasn’t working anyway but you don’t want to be alone so you...hold on to it? Or perhaps you are holding on to hurt feelings for longer than you need to because you just don’t want to move on?
Psalms 94:19 says, “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.”
So no matter what old things you are holding on to, delight in the Lord and let that dead thing go.
Think about it!

Thursday, September 21, 2017
"DON'T do it yourself!"

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017
Wear it proud!
I have a pendant necklace that says “Mom,” and I wear it proudly. My husband bought me a bracelet with a pendant that says “Writer,” I wear it proudly as well; these are two of the titles that I live by, though I have many.
Most of us go by several titles you may be known as a supervisor, a coach, a preacher or other such titles; and most likely the titles you carry you've earned and you are proud of them.
So many don't want to be labeled when it comes to their religious beliefs, they feel it to be judgmental to be considered or categorized a Christian, non-Christian or what have, you but I beg to differ. I believe labels are important, especially those that come from doing something you've earned.
Titles are very important. The Bible tells us I Thess. 5:12a NKJV, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you…” Don't you think it is important to know whether you're dining with a thief and murderer or a kind-hearted person? In that respect isn't a label important?
Many people only wear certain designers because labels are important to them. I say it is important for people to know what you believe and if you are a Christ-like believer or titled a Christian you should wear that label very proudly. We serve a mighty gracious and awesome God, Jesus came that we might have life and that more abundantly. (John 3:16)
When he died on the cross and shed His blood to set us free He was labeled our Savior, so why be ashamed to wear the label Christian? Wear it proud. Think about it!

Monday, May 15, 2017
It's not a FAD!

Thursday, May 4, 2017
Trust Him, that much!
I recently had to give my baby girl some meds. She has some terrible allergies. This day in particular I had to give her more than one type of medication so it was important to give it to her correctly in dosage and time wise. All I had to do was call her into the kitchen and tell her, it was time for medicine. She’s a big girl now so there was not fight or fuss. She came right over and opened her mouth, trusting mommy to give her the right amount of medicine to help her feel better. The medicine doesn’t taste good but she still didn’t rebel.
Though she knows the power of prayer and knows all about Jesus as her ultimate healer, she also trusts mommy to give her things that are good for her. This got me to thinking …wow, this child trusts that what I’m giving her is ok, it’s good for her and won’t cause any harm. She has no doubt in her mind that I’m trying to do what’s best for her. She has no reservations, no questions, only…trust.
Just watching my baby come in the kitchen and simply take her medicine make me check my trust level with Jesus! When it comes to times of need, or trouble, or spiritual “sickness,” am I trusting Him without question, reservations or hesitation? Are you?
Do I fuss and fight when He is directing me to do something I may not want to do but that is better for me in the long run? Do you? Do I try to avoid following His instructions when He has my best interest at heart? Do you? Do I pretend I’m fine and don’t need words of wisdom He is sending though my man of God? Do you?
Often we may try to figure things out ourselves, leading to anxiety, fear, depression and or bad decisions when all we need to do is simply obey God’s word…and trust Him.
Proverbs 3:5- “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Trusting Him lead to great results. Psalms 84:12 “O LORD of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!”
Think about it!
Monday, March 13, 2017
A connected Life!
Are you, or do you know someone who is constantly; scrolling, liking, commenting, posting, or sharing on social media? Are you or do you know someone that is often so engrossed in their device that they rarely look up while, walking, siting and even driving?
Before I go further let me just say, “Yes” I use social media, I scroll, like, share, comment and post as well. That being said, it made me think….
what if everyone was as connected to their walk with Christ, and sharing, liking, posting His word as they are to just sharing, liking and commenting on videos, other’s thoughts, posts and likes?
In our society, our world…nowadays, it seems rare to see positive images whether on social media or TV for that matter, (depending on the friends you have posting to your timeline.) Often you will find folk posting their hate or #staywoke, comments about religion only to try and detour others from it.
We may find ourselves connected to things, thoughts and or ideas that we neglect the things we really need to be connected to. Never allow someone’s research to become all the proof you need of God’s existence. Know Him for yourself. Stop letting other’s post of the day become what makes or ruins your #mood. How much more joy would you have being more connected to Jesus than Facebook? How much more peace would surround you if you were more connected to Jesus than you are to TWITTER?
John 3:36a “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life…” I’m not telling you to stop posting, commenting, liking, sharing etc. I’m saying make sure you are connected to Jesus in a way that outweighs your connection to social media or anything else that will try to take His place in your heart. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Think about it.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Accept this!
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