Problems in life are a part of life. I was recently talking to a close friend of mine who had been going through some tough times and I tried to encourage them to keep the faith, fast, pray and just deny themselves, but most of all to trust God in whatever came their way.
Shortly after this conversation, I saw a video on FACEBOOK. It was a young child, a boy, who looked to be about seven or eight years old. He was in water; it looked like a lake or deep pond. He was holding on to a rope crying because he feared if he let go of the rope he would drown. In the video I could see adults standing around the child and I of course wondered why they were standing by letting this child cry and fear for his life. A few seconds into the video a woman, apparently his mother stepped in and what happened next made my mouth drop.
She did not pick her child up to safety, or comfort him in her arms. She bent down and reaching into the water she pushed his legs down. Immediately you can see the “light bulb go off,” as he realizes all he had to do was stand up, the water was barely above his waistline!
When his light bulb went off so did mine, hence this article!
How many times are we walking around crying about our situation instead of trusting our all-powerful God and standing on His word? The little boy in the video, like me didn’t understand why the adults around him that he thought he trusted were letting him dangle in the water for his very life. Often times we may not understand why God is allowing us to go through what we are going through; but the scripture is very clear, Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” Verse 6 goes on to say “Acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
That day in the video I believe the little boy learned a few things.
1. His mother would never stand by and watch him drown.
2. He needed to stop focusing so much on his fear.
Can we learn something similar from this video and the scripture? God is willing, able and ready to move for us but we have to first BELIEVE and ACKNOWLDEGE. When you spend all day focusing on your problem you are wasting time and spinning your wheels but not getting any results. Stop crying and stand on God’s word for your life!
Think about it!