Thursday, August 21, 2014

This should go viral!

The Urban Dictionary defines to “go viral” as - used in reference to Internet content which can be passed through electronic mail and social networking sites. An article on Jeff states: “Viral used to mean a catching a bad disease that spread quickly and brought sickness or death. Now it means “fame and fortune” via a social media. Here’s how things have changed. The art of going viral has moved far beyond one time flukes to a formula and a process.” I must say I completely agree. Just think about how many 15 second videos you watch per day just for a laugh. It is so easy these days to receive entertainment, as well as, information, whether valid or not, from social media with the flick of your thumb or the click of your finger. Millions or even billions of people around the world participate in, view and post videos, pictures and comments in hopes of them “going viral.” I’m sure you have heard of “Sweet Brown,” “Antoine Dodson” and others that have become famous, even if just for a moment, due to something they did or said “going viral.” If you have been living under a rock and not heard anyone say, “ain’t nobody got time for that,” or “hide yo kids, hide yo wife,” then I know you have heard of the fire, wall and even ice challenges that spread like wildfire through the cyber-sphere! All of this awakens a thought in me. That thought is, what if we spend half the time sharing the gospel of Christ as we do “liking” silly videos and posting comments on the latest injustices of the world. Stop for a moment and think about that. Compare the number of comments you have posted on social media, the number of texts you have forwarded, and the number of pictures you have uploaded…to the number of times you have shared the good news of Christ…WOW that hurts don’t it, (don’t worry I’m guilty as well.) But we can all do better. As Christian it behooves us not only to aimlessly surf the social media world, but to be a light and example in that world. Consider how you may be friends with someone on Facebook or Instagram that you have never met face to face, and most likely never will, yet you communicate with them practically every day even if it’s just to “like” their latest picture, now ask yourself how many times you have said anything to them about Christ. I think I have made my point. Now, guess what: JESUS LOVES YOU! CHRIST SAVES! PRAYER WORKS! Now that should go viral! Think about it! Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Personal space is very important to most people. Don’t you hate when you’re driving along, minding your own business and someone tailgates you? Does it bother you when you are in a crowded room and no one makes the effort to space out, or when a co-worker gets right in your face talking with coffee breath? How about when you’re walking on a dark street and hear footsteps behind you…do you like being followed by the unknown? Even though many hate to be followed closely literally, FOLLOWING has become very popular with this generation. You can follow your friends every move from sun up until sun down on social media. Mega stars want to be known by the number of followers they have. Not only are we following famous people some of us even follow foolishness such as VINE video featuring things like sneezing babies and screaming cats. Whether we like it or not we are all followers of someone/something in one way or another. We follow the laws of the land, follow rules at school or work, some even follow personal rules. Many of us spend hours each day following something that has no significance at all for example, how many hours a day do you spend scrolling on FACEBOOK not to mention Instagram and TWITTER. Before you ask, yes, I am a follower and I have people following me. Now I don’t know the statistics on how many people hate to be followed weather on social media or literally followed, however, I do know someone who loves to be followed and closely at that….Jesus Christ. My question then is this how are you “following” Christ? Mark 15:54 NKJV says, “But Peter followed Him at a distance…” Jesus walked the Earth preaching and performing miracles, Peter was there to witness much of that yet when the going got tough, PETER GOT GOING! Can the same be said of you? Are you so busy following friends, trends and social media that you don’t have time to closely follow Jesus? Do you spend so much time worrying about your life you’re yourself that you neglect becoming a follower of the only person who is really deserving? When I speak of following Christ I’m talking about more than just posting a daily scripture on your timeline or saying you’re a Christian out of your mouth. I’m talking daily self-denial, truly trusting Him and living for Jesus ON PURPOSE…no matter who’s watching. Don’t be like Peter. If you are following Christ follow closely so that others can see and know who you really live for and who you really FOLLOW. Think about it.