Gena-Mae Writes!
Inspirational Articles!
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Are you tuned in?

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
What do you hear?

Thursday, May 24, 2018
A glittery coffin!
People say there are only two things sure in life, death and taxes. I don’t know about the latter, but the former is correct. Death is sure. The bible says, Hebrews 9:27 NKJV, ”And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.”
I recently saw an ad for “glittery coffins,” made and sold in the UK. The advertising company makes coffins that can be categorized as nothing short of spectacular! They offer options such as full glitter coffins in a variety of colors. They even sell personalized coffins with names and jewels on them where clients can design their eternal box themselves.
Looking at their options I wondered, “Who would care about having a glitter coffin?” I mean don’t get me wrong, they are very pretty, and I don’t want to be buried in a plain wooden box but the question is does it really matter what your coffin looks like? At the end of the day, you will be a dead body lying in a pretty casket all dress up and going nowhere but back to the dirt.
The important point I’m trying to make is this, a glittery casket is fine for a dead body to rest but when you die where will your soul rest? So many times, I have heard people say, “God doesn’t look at the outside He judges the heart,” then shouldn’t we make our heart for God our focus? I know there are times we want to dress up our situations, so no one can tell what we are really going through and at times that is what may be best. But always remember no matter how dressed up you are or how glittery your coffin in the end God will judge your life and deeds. Don’t be caught with a filthy soul lying in a beautiful casket, trust me eternally…you won’t benefit.
Think about it.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
The Humpty Dumpty Syndrome

Thursday, November 2, 2017
You'll never know...until you go.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Let the Dead thing go!
Not long ago, during some at home time with my family, we watched a cartoon call Frankenweenie. This is a story about a young boy, named Victor, who wanted to be a scientist, so he spent all his time in his laboratory with his best friend, his dog Sparkie. The climax of the movie happens when one day after being encouraged to try something new by his father, the young boy goes to play baseball with some neighborhood kids.
Since Sparkie is so used to playing fetch, when Victor hits the ball into the street Sparkie runs after it and is hit by a car…he doesn’t survive. At this point Victor becomes very sad and eventually sets out to bring Sparkie back to life, and finally he does!
Here is where I became inspired to write this article.
See once Sparkie dies instead of moving on with his life Victor, becomes obsessed with bringing Sparkie back. Once he does bring him back he never notices the Sparkie was not the same, he was actually meant to die when he did.
Victor goes though a lot of trouble creating the machine that brings Sparkie back, he then has to hide Sparkie the risen dog because he knows people will not understand or accept what he has done; but he doesn’t care. It is more important to him to hold on to the dead dog than to go on with his life.
Do you know anyone like this?
Are you like Victor…holding on to a dead thing, refusing to let go even though you should?
For instance a dead relationship, that you know wasn’t working anyway but you don’t want to be alone so you...hold on to it? Or perhaps you are holding on to hurt feelings for longer than you need to because you just don’t want to move on?
Psalms 94:19 says, “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.”
So no matter what old things you are holding on to, delight in the Lord and let that dead thing go.
Think about it!

Thursday, September 21, 2017
"DON'T do it yourself!"

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